Chapter Three

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Princey has created a new chatroom.

Princey has named the chatroom 'I'm quoting Rapunzle and no one can stop me.'

Princey: You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzle...

snek: look at you as fragile as a flower

Princey: Still a little sapling, just a sprout

snek: you know why we stay up in this tower

heatherDUKE: i know, but....

Princey: That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear

snek: guess i always knew this day was coming

Princey: Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest

Patt-on: Soon, but not yet!

heatherDUKE: BUT-

snek: sssshh

Princey: Trust me, pet

hottopic: i don't know why i'm doing this

hottopic: mother knows best.


Princey: Don't forget it

snek: you'll regret it

Princey: Motherr Knows Best!

INeedSleep: what just happened

Log-on: They do this from time to time, however they always delete that chatrooms after.

Princey deleted 'I'm quoting Rapunzle and no one can stop me.'

AN: i'm sorry for this lol, this is a filler chapter and i swear this book will actually have a plot line

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