Chapter Twelve

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"Wait! You can sing???" Remy asks Janus.

"Uh I guess so?" Janus replies nervously.

"Do you wanna do a duet with me???" Remy asks.

"Uh,,,, sure why not."

(Because I hate writing songs into books Im just going to say what they sing. Tell me that you love me from Victorious, Remy sings Tori's part and Janus sings Andre's part)

"But tell be that you love me anyway." Remy sings the last few words both him and Janus kinda in awe and staring at each other.

It all happened so fast, Remy stopped the camera from recording anything else.

They seemed to be staring at each other for forever, but for no time at all, it wasnt even awkward.

Then they were kissing, Remy didnt expect it and neither did Janus. Remys arms wrapping around Janus' neck and Janus' arms around Remys torso.

Just as quickly as it happened they separated like a knife cut them apart, Remy touching his own lips and Janus nervously picking at his sleeve.

Remy hesitated for a second before practically whispering, "Ill be back." And running out of the room.

He passed Patton who asked what was wrong before grabbing the keys to his own car that he hardly used and leaving the house.

Remy got into his car and drove off knowing he just needed to get his mind off of everything to sort through anything.

He managed to take an inventory of what he had, he had his phone that was in his jacket pocket and nothing else.

He put his phone into the cupholder while getting on the highway.

His phone vibrated a bunch from people trying to text him but he doesnt use his phone while on the road.

Remy noticed how dark the bruise from when he got punched and moves to touch it instantly whincing his eyes narrowing from the pain for a moment before he notices a truch trying to get into his lane, he slows down not paying much attention to the lane next to him, which happens to be the on-ramp.

A sleepy 18-wheeler driver was getting onto the highway when he dozed off for just a second and ended up still moving straight when he opened his eyes again it was too late.

He rammed right into the passenger side of Remy's  car and the back of the truck Remy was letting over.

Remys car flipped and the truck gets pinned against the highways wall, a few cars crash into the 18-wheeler before getting notice of it and being able to slow down, get out, and try to help and get help.

Police and a few ambulances show up at the scene 15 minutes later.

Thank god Remy has a samsung.


"You two kissed?!" Patton said half estatic half concerned.

"Yeah... after the song was over we kissed then after the kiss he freaked and left." Janus explains feeling guilty.

"He kinda has some form of commitment issues because of his last boyfriend-" Patton explains.


Pattons phone suddenly lets out a loud ringtone.

Patton jumps and goes to grab it, he sees its Remy and immediately answers.

"Remy! We are so worried, are you okay?" Patton blurts out.

"Are you Patton?" A voice Patton didnt recognize spoke out.

"Um... yeah." Janus gave him a weird look.

"Remy has been in an accident."


"We are looking for Remy Dormier." Patton says to the receptionist.

"Room 113, Third floor, the elevator is to the left." He says before going back to some paperwork.

Pattom nods and leads a distressed Janus to Remys room.

They both hesitate before going in.

Remy is on the hospital bed hooked up to many mechines, some helping him breathe and some just giving his heart beat which is surprisingly steady.

There was a doctor in there setting up a drip.

The doctor turns around and sees the two men.

"Oh, hello there, hes asleep for the moment, his body put itself on something similar to a lockdown, it honestly helped him a lot, we arent sure when he will wake up though." The doctor begins explaining, "His right arm is broken, he broke a few ribs and has a hairline fracture on his collar bone, he will most likely have a concussion as he hit his head on his window."

"Wow." Patton says worriedly.

The doctor eventually leaves and the two sit in silence.

Patton's stomach growls loudly.

"Im gonna go to the vending machine, do you want anything?" Patton asks while standing.

Janus just shakes his head.

Pattom nods and leaves the room quietly.

Janus waits for a second before scooting a chair next to the left side of remys bed, he lightly grabs remys hand, he stays like that for a moment before softly singing out just a few words.

"but tell me that you love me... anyway..." Janus says tears coming to his eyes.

Suddenly Remys hand squeezes Janus'.

The End

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