Chapter Six

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alright people here we are, the first actual real life writing. let's do this shiz

Remy sat in one of the chairs in the hospital room.

As it was almost 5:00am now, the hospital was eerily quiet.

Remy had his knees pulled up to his chest and he was writing an announcement to his followers that somethings came up and he won't be able to post today.

There was a steady beep filling the silent room with sound.

Nurses would walk in at seemingly random times to check on Patton who was silently sleeping.


Around five or six hours later, Remy wasn't really counting he was just sitting mostly, Patton had woken up a few times but was almost immediately put back to sleep by a nurse or Remy himself.

Remy was trying to take a small nap however he was to concerned about Patton to actually fall asleep completely.

Then there was a light knock.

It was as loud as a whisper.

Somehow though, Remy heard it.

He looked up to see a disheveled man who obtained glasses similar to Pattons, however the mans were a little sharper and didn't have a hint of blue.

The man cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm Logan." He said in a voice that was almost devoid of emotion.

Remy knew they were dating.

"Remy. Nice to meet you I guess, could've been under a better situation..." Remy replied.

"I guess you deserve an explanation?" Logan suggests.

"That would help, if we are talking about the same thing." Remy says as he scoots to the end of the chair and pats the cushion to summon Logan to sit.

Logan sat stiffly before almost instantly relaxing, the hospital chair was a lot softer than normal.

Logan sat back, still sitting properly however.

"Well a few years back there was this fair type thing, it was for jobs of different categories to arrive at one place and let younger people learn about that specific job. My booth was set up right next to Pattons and we ended up talking, exchanging phone numbers, and well, eventually," he gains a small blush, "start dating."

Remy thought for a second, "so that's why he was happier then he had been that week, done got himself a boyfriend~" He teased playfully.

Logan nodded, "i suppose he did, anyways i got worried and had an impulsive motive to just come here and well, see him."

"He isn't doing to bad, the nurses have been checking up on him a lot, and he got leave from his job for a month, his job takes these things seriously and have recommended a few therapists for him, and said for him to just call or text them if he needs extra time off."

"That's quite generous." Logan said.

"Well before he got out of college, and high school, he volunteered there, then when he got out he almost instantly got a job and is really devoted to it." Remy says sighing quietly.

"He deserves it."

"Yeah he does."

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