Chapter 2

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Teo's P.O.V
I looked over the briefings on my target as I rode in the taxi, through the city of New Orleans. My victim's name was Dave Smith, he was a well known business man in this city because of the hotels and clubs owned , but he was wanted dead for a deal gone wrong. I sighed as I read on more, I eventually came to  a hotel, paying the driver I went in and booked a room.

Half an hour later
I looked down at my watch and the time read 3:12pm, I then went into the club my target was suspected to be, immediately I was attacked by the bright lights and noisy atmosphere as I entered , slowly I began to examine my surroundings, it was crowded and in order to get a good view I had stay at the top of the club. While watching the area I spotted my target in a private area seated down with two girls, along with a security guard on each side beside him. Stepping down, I looked around for a possible disguise, a waiter walked pass me and I began to follow him, he went back to the bar , I closed the door silently and slowly began to creepy up behind him, when I got close enough I locked an arm around his neck and started to choke him, he grabbed desperately at my arm to release him , But instead he gagged more and more until he passed out, loosening my grip the waiter fell to the floor, I then striped out of my clothes and changed into the waiter's clothes. Grabbing his arm I began to drag him towards the closet, then I picked him up and threw him inside. Making my way out, I headed towards my target.
Isabelle's P.O.V. - Earlier that afternoon.......
As soon as the lesson was over the lecturer left the room, I quickly packed my bag and headed over to my best friend Emily. "Hey  bestie"! I said  pulling her into a hug, "Hey mate! How u doing"? She asked smiling, "I'm great, but honestly i feel really hungry"! I replied, "Let's go get a bite then" she said grabbing my hand, we then went over to cafeteria, ordered our lunch and decided to eat outside. As we sat on the bench, I took a sip of my drink, "So,  what are u planning for your Summer?" Emily asked taking a bite out of her sand which, "I don't know, I mean the thing that's on mind now is to move out my house so I don't have to be around my parents, summer plans didn't really cross my mind" I answered, "I see, but I'm worried, I can't tell the last time when I heard u talk about anything else other than work or school " I look down at my feet and sighed " Well honestly Emily, nowadays I find myself too busy to do any thing else" " Seriously? Are u telling me that you haven't even gone partying or start seeing any one" ? She asked, I nodded and emily gasped, "What"? I asked, " Isabelle Thompson, your barely 20 and already you've started acting like a workaholic"? She said dramatically,  "Well, if I don't take responsibility for myself who will? I mean I'm WAY past the kid stage and my parents didn't even look after me then, so I had to start then and continue if I want to survive now" I stated, " but don't you still think you need a break? I mean all work and no play isn't good for you, You need to relax sometimes" I hummed softly, " well your right there, I guess I'll try to relax during summer" she grinned and put an arm around my shoulder, " Good, I'm happy to hear that, and if you ever need to talk again my doors are always open"! I smiled and hugged her, "Thanks Emily"

Time skip.....
It was five in the evening and my lectures were finally finished, after saying good bye to emily I left the campus to go home, now currently I was walking on my street to go to my house, when I decided to take the short cut, as I walked down the dark alley way, I started to feel an uneasy feeling, I shook it off as me being paranoid and kept on walking when suddenly I heard some body screaming, I stopped and whipped my head around to the source, the screaming seemed to be coming from the further right of the alley way and instead of being a normal person and walking away or calling the police, I followed the sound and went further down, when I was near I saw the outline of a man's back come into view, in his arms he held a person and a blade, I watched then as he lifted up the struggling man up to his feet, slamming him into the wall he rose the sword, "Please! I'll pay you more than they offer, just let me live"! The middle age man pleaded, the younger man however simply ignored him and ran the sword through his heart, I covered my mouth with my hands as I watched the man slowly fall to the ground, the killer stepped back and looked down at the now dead man, "that's one less vermin in this world" he spat out in a cold voice, then he took the sword out the of his body, bending down he picked up the dead man, opened the garbage bin and threw him in, then he began to turn around, I immediately jumped back to my senses and started to back away when my feet collided with the garbage can, i froze, (son of bitch") i thought to myself, as i recovered from the impact i heard a pair of foot steps approaching me, i quickly scrambled to my feet and ran towards the direction where i came, the footsteps got faster and it occurred to me that I was being chased, I picked up my speed but the footsteps only got closer, eventually I felt the person grab my arm and pull me to a halt. A hand went over my mouth and a hand wrapped around waist , a voice then whispered in my ear, "hush now, this will be  over soon" (" hush my ass! Your planning to kill me" ! )  I struggled more and tried to get out of his grip, but luck wasn't on my side, he was too strong.
No matter how much I kicked, squirmed or even bite, the  fucker just wouldn't let go! Just then I heard a couple a voices , we both turned to the sound and I heard him curse
under his breath, "Damnit they found the body" my eyes widened and I felt him look down at me, "well, to hell with this" I heard him say , I thought he was gonna kill me but instead I felt a cloth go on my nose, I screamed knowing what the scent was, slowly the world faded to black before me.

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