Chapter seven

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Isabelle's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and scanned the area. Again, it had not been a dream... I really had witnessed a murder, I really had been kidnapped and I really am being held hostage by a very dangerous hitman. I started to sob and then curled in a ball, my life had been terrible enough and this honestly had took the cake. I could  become positive and feed myself lies along with false hope... But the fact remained clear, and I knew very well that I was almost at my end. I chuckled as I felt tears starting to fall, rolling down my cheeks.  This was the third time I had hopped this wasn't real, I had kept on denying my reality and have chosen to give up. I felt pathetic, because I am known to be the most resilient person ever to the people I talked with. But how does one bounce back from too much trauma? How does one cope with the fact that will soon loss their own life? Should I try to escape or Should I just accept my fate??

As I sat there wallowing around in self pity, I heard my captor groan from behind me. I froze as all the hairs on my skin stood and I got alert. I could hear him getting up from the couch and starting to approach me.  Holding still,I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to pretend I was asleep. He stood in front of me for awhile and I could feel him staring at me. "Just go away.. Please"! I begged internally, but that wish down south when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I jumped and my eyes involuntarily flew open. "It's good to see you finally awake" he said sarcastically, I glared up at him. "Just what is wrong with you?! Why the hell did you kick me"?! I yelled, he frowned and then tilted his head to the side. "I'm sorry, did that hurt? I promise you it wasn't done on purpose, I merely wanted to wake you up" he said sweetly. My cheeks puffed as I looked up at him. "Were you always this much of an asshole as a kid"? I asked. He smirked and I clenched my fist. Happy with my displeasure, he ignored me and began to undo the hand cuffs. I started to move and he gripped my wrist. "If you dare try anything, it will result in a punishment" I stopped and he continued, eventually he set me free from the post, then dragged me to my feet. Then he began to pull me behind him across the room. I shuffled as he stopped and picked up his bag and keys. Then going over to the door and threw it open, we stepped outside and he locked the door using his finger print. As he went towards the car pulling me, I noticed the house had been near to the woods and not a single house was close by. "Does he live out here all by himself"?  I questioned but then shook my head, questioning why I suddenly was interested in my captor's life. He had now reached the car and we stood by it. I felt my self panicking as he opened the trunk. I prepared my self to struggle and plead not to go in there, but to my surprise he simply tossed the bag in and shut it down back. "Huh"? I voiced my surprise aloud. He turned to me and looked at me. "What? Did you want to go in there"? I shook my head violently and he opened the door on the back, he then pushed me in roughly. I squealed as I landed face first on the seats , slamming the door, he locked it and went to the driver's side, getting in he put the keys into the panel and started the car. I sat up and he swiftly turned the car to the side, causing me to slam in the window. I slowly recovered from the impact and checked my temple for bleeding. I could see him smirking in the rear view mirror, I shot him a angry look and he sneered continuing to focus on the road. "I have a feeling this is only the second chapter of my life with my captor".... I frowned and  then looked out the window, watching the scenery go by.

A/N : Jesus Teo is such a dick... Hang in there Isabelle... Oh ! Sorry you guys still there? Don't mine me, but do vote and comment! Byeee

My Captor and ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon