Chapter Eight

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Isabelle's P.O.V.
As he drove down the highway I watched the scenery outside passing by. It was a cloudy day today and it probably would rain ... Sighing in distress I turned my attention to captor, he seemed focused and had his eyes only on the road. I turned away and looked around the car, "Maybe if I hit him with something, it'll probably harm him just enough for me to escape".. I thought about this plan but scoffed. Two major problems were in front of me..
1. We were out in the middle of nowhere on just a highway, not many cars were passing by.
2. If I did hit him and he crashed there was a possibility I might get hurt too.
"Fuckkk, I wanna try this plan but it really risks my safety, but what were the odds? I had to try right"? Gathering up my courage I looked around the car once more and noticed a crow bar nearby. (A/N : Now before y'all question how a crowbar is just lying around in his car, it's just part of the plot.. M'kay? Now back to the story) Glancing at him, I slowly and quietly took up the crowbar. Angling it towards his head, i had almost hit him with it when he pulled the car to a stop. I yelped in shock as my body flew forward and I crashed face first into the front seat. Slowly getting up I looked over to the culprit and saw him just waiting on the stop light to change. I gritted my teeth out of anger almost ready to attack him again and  I could have sworn I saw a smirk slowly form on his lips. Raising the crow bar I tried angling at his head again, "You don't give up do you"? He asked suddenly startling me. "W- What do you mean"? I asked nervously, He started to slow the car down. "Don't pretend you were behaving around there, I could clearly see you holding the crow bar to hit me with it, I'm not blind" he said now turning the car around the corner. "Well what do you expect? I want to get away from you".. I thought. I looked at the crow bar wishfully, "Probably I'll attempt it later.... When he's really off guard... Yea, I'll do just that". With that thought in mind, I placed my head down on the seats.

Unknown P.O.V..
I placed the last gun in the brief case and closed it. Looking down at my phone I checked the time and nodded. "Its almost time for me to leave" I thought. As I sat down on the bed, My phone began to ring loudly. I looked at the caller I.D. and immediately picked up. "Yes"? I answered, "Are you prepared for your next mission my agent"? The voice questioned. "I will be when you give me the information". I said, "Alright, I've sent the briefing to you, do take a look" the voice stated. I then took up my laptop and opened it, sure enough an email had been sent to me. Downloading the file, I opened it up and saw the info. While I scanned through it, the voice spoke "This briefing is about your new target. He goes by Archer Thomas, but his real name is Teo Morgan" "Teo Morgan? That name sounds familiar" I stated, "Indeed, that's because he is one of our organization's top assassin" the voice answered, "Really, but why are we going after him"? I asked. "Recently he was given a contract to take out a famous business man in New Orleans.. He did the contract and carried it out successfully and he is probably onto his next contract" the voice said continuing, "So what's the problem"? I asked getting a bit impatient, "He made a mistake, on the scene there was a witness" the voice said, "And he didn't take care of that witness, the witness is still alive. This is a big offense to WCO and we need you to take care of that" the voice finished. "So you need me to take out a hit on both him and his captive"? I questioned. "Precisely" the voice answered. "Alright just send me his current location and I'll get to it" I said. On timing I received the location.
Current location : New Jersey...
"Alright, your plane ticket and your tools have been sent near to your current safe house, Good Luck My Agent" the voice said before hanging up.

A/N : Oh no, looks like Teo's got some new trouble on his hands..  Stay tune guys and do remember to vote and comment.. Bye!

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