Chapter five part two

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Teo's P.O.V Flashback...
I quickly speed through the alley way with the unconscious girl in my arms, making my way towards the apartment complex I went down to the underground parking lot, stopping every few seconds whenever I heard voices or saw any one move about the lot. Few minutes later I reached my car, I stood by the car door reaching to open it but paused, "Put her in on the car seats and the minute she gets up she'll start fighting and I honestly don't think I'm kidnapping a person who will stay still even if she's tied up...... Hmmm........ well in the trunk she goes" I thought, taking the bag off her back, I went over to the trunk and opened it, sliding her in I locked it down and made my way towards the driver's side of the car, I got in and started the car. Then I reversed out of the parking lot and drove towards the exit.

Two hours later......
As I drove on the high way leaving New Orleans, i felt a ringing in my head, then suddenly a notification popped up on my screening : *Incoming Call* , I looked at the caller ID, tapping my temple, my l.e.d. blinked and i answered, " Hello Sir, whatever are you calling me for"? I asked out loud, A chuckle was heard, followed by deep voice, "Honestly Teo, for a robot you are quiet rude" I fell silent and he continued on, "I've only called to ask about the mission, it well am I correct"? I stared at the distance before then answered "Of course Jacob , it went perfectly well". "I see, that's good and I do hope you didn't run into any trouble what so ever"? He questioned, "Not at all, has the money been transferred"? I asked, "Yes, ever since the contract was completed". He stated, "Splendid, is there any thing else you needed to discuss"? I asked, he was quiet for awhile and responded "Actually I wanted to know if -" just as Jacob spoke again I heard banging come from the trunk, "hold that thought Jacob". I said, "Darn it.... She's awake." I stopped the car and pulled over near by as the noises grew louder, "I'll have to speak to you later Jacob" I said to him, "Something wrong teo"? He asked worriedly, "Just a personal issue, a problem in my software" I lied, "Alright then, I'll call some other time, Good bye teo" " Goodbye Jacob" As soon as he hung up I jumped out of the car and went over to the trunk, throwing it open in annoyance I glared down at the human girl inside, she froze instantly and looked up at my face seemly studying me. Taking advantage of her frozen state, I reached down in the trunk and pulled her up, "Just what is your bloody problem you little wrench ?! Why can't you keep quiet"?! I snapped at her, she looked at me with disbelief and and answered "What? Dude I just woke up in a damn trunk, how the fuck do you except me to keep quiet?! I groaned and said "Well if you had minded your own business earlier, you wouldn't haven't ended up like this now would you "? "The hell do you mean man?! I was on my way home"! She yelled glaring at me, I leaned in closer to her then, "Really? So do you always walk in dark alleyways with dead ends to go home girl? I asked sarcastically, she looked down and I stepped back "Exactly. Your excuse makes no sense." "Even if i did, what gave you the right to kidnap me"?! She asked angrily, I chuckled softly, then answered, "Consider yourself lucky your not dead, you little brat". Moving back, I grabbed the lid of the the trunk to shut it back when she suddenly got up. She gripped the lid and looked at me with pleading eyes, "please don't lock me back up in here. I'm claustrophobic"! I smirked  "ah, the same pathetic excuse humans use every time......." I thought, "I don't care if your claustrophobic, your going back in the trunk and your not going to make a single sound " I ordered, she scowled at me for a moment but it quietly faded when i started to close the lid, she pushed it back and spoke again "Please you don't understand"! She begged, I hissed and grabbed her wrists, taking out the handcuffs I snapped them on, she screamed and kicked me in the chest, which cause me to get even more angry, I lifted her up and slammed her back in the trunk, she cried out in pain and I shoved a handkerchief in her mouth. As I finished I threw the lid down, ignoring the whimpers and cries of the human. When I went back in the driver's seat I slammed the door shut and sighed, I could see  my L.E.D.  blinking furiously red as a notification popped up on my screening. ( Software instability). I sat there for a few seconds before i continued driving. "Damn it humans are irritating". I sighed at my thought as I focused on the road ahead.

A/N : phew i finally wrote it! 😳 All thought i still got a lot a work on this story.😁 Question though..... Do you guys think ....... Nah never mind! Thanks for reading, do leave a vote or comment. Good byeee

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