Chapter nine

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Teo's P.O.V.
It was four thirty in the evening. I had  took a left from the public street and drove towards a motel. Parking in one of the spaces, I then shut off the car and turned to the ebony girl behind me, She was now fast asleep. Thanking the gods for this miracle, I quickly got of the car, placed my chloroform in my pocket and went towards the trunk. I opened it up and took out the ropes, handcuffs and two cloths. Once I gathered these items, I closed back the trunk and went towards my captive. I opened the door, got in and locked us up again. As I sat down, I grabbed onto her wrist and got on top of her. Right on bad timing, her hazel eyes flew open and she now stared back at me. Immediately beginning to panic, she started to fight me, pushing at my chest perhaps trying to throw me off her. I smirked sadistically at her pathetic attempt  and grabbed both her wrists, placing them above her head. I now had her fully pinned down and to me it was honestly amusing how I could easily overpower her with out even trying too hard. I then picked up the handcuffs ,snapped them shut on her wrists, then tied her hands up with one of the ropes. As i did this she watched me with anger and frustration. When I was going to tie her feet, I paused for a brief second and gave her a warning look. She glared at me and i slowly got up off her, right as I did she took the opportunity to try to kick me in the face. Growling, i grabbed one of  her ankles and began to twisted it hard in the opposite way, then I heard a 'crack and pop' sound. Screaming in pain,from the impact,she burst into tears, and began to sob loudly. I rolled my eyes and then started to tie up her feet. During that, she flinched as I wrapped the rope tightly  around her now sprain ankle. As i finished with that, I then reached for the chloroform and the cloth. She continued crying and eventually it had started to annoy me. Pulling out the handkerchief as well, I poured a lot of chloroform  on it and moved it towards her face. She turned her hand to the side as I tried to knock  her out. Getting even more irritated, I grabbed her hair roughly and twisted her head back to the desired position. She winched and I pressed the handkerchief to her nose. Her eyes widened and she looked at me, silently begging me from a muffled voice. I ignored her pleads and didn't remove the handkerchief until she was knocked out. When she finally did, I completed the task and I tied both cloths, one on her  eyes and one on her mouth. As I  finished, I checked the time and saw that I was early for my next assassination. Getting out , I locked up the car and headed towards the motel, where my next target now was currently staying.

As I entered through the door, the small bell at the top rang altering the owner. Making my way over to the front desk, the woman behind it looked up and shone a large smile while greeting me. "Hello Sir, welcome to the Sunset Motel, how may I help you"? I faked a smile and replied, "I'd like to rent a room for a night please" "Alright Sir, that will be forty dollars" she said, reaching down in one of my pockets, I pulled out two twenty dollar notes and handed it to her. She took it, handed me a key then smiled again, "Your room number is twenty six, thank you and have a good night"I nodded and took the key. Going back outside, I turned on the ear piece and headed towards the building.

Emily's P.o.v (Isabelle's best friend)
I hopped outside,  closed the door to my dorm and headed for the book store,while walking I suddenly began to think about my best friend. "Its been a long time since we last talked, i wonder what she's up to". Taking out my phone, I decided to call Isabelle. The phone rang once, then twice and went to voice mail. Hanging up, I dialed her number up again and the same thing happened. "Odd, its not like Isa to not answer after a second ring" I said frowning, Trying again, I took a left from my street and decided to go to Isabelle's house. As I walked on, I kept the phone pressed to my ear as I waited. However to my disappointment it went straight to voice mail again. I sighed and picked up my pace as I now made my towards her street. "I wonder if something is wrong? Isabelle has never ignore a call.. I hope she's alright" Worry creased my brow as I headed towards her house.

Teo's P.O.V
I changed into the set of staff clothes I found and exited the room. Tapping my wrist, a hologram appeared showing a map of the motel, highlighting the room my target was currently in.  As I walked briskly down the hall, i also reviewed the briefing I had previously received. There wasn't much to my target, he was merely a rat that had leaked sensitive information about a mafia group to another rival group. I had almost rejected the hit seeing how it was only a usual and petty reason for a wanted assassination. I mean... It was pathetic! One man simply didn't keep his mouth shut and they called the organization to hire a hit man when they could have done it them selves? Honesty this felt like an insult to me, considering my skills were being used to commit a common kill, that a lazy group didn't want to do themselves. Rolling my eyes I went up to the room door and knocked on it. "Who is it" ?! I heard a voice call from the inside, "The cleaner"! I said back. There was a pregnant pause before footsteps slowly approached the door. The feet stopped then and the silence continued, "What do you want" ? The man asked, I sighed at this stupid question but answered. "To do my job Sir, clean the room" I stated struggling to hide the sarcasm in my tone.  "Oh, OK fine" He said and then i heard him begin to the open the door.

Then the moment the door was pulled backward, i lunged forward and jumped at my target.  Throwing him to the ground, i forced him back inside the room and kicked the door shut.  As i advanced onto my attack the man began to thrash back and forth, attempting to set himself free. I shook my head in annoyance and slammed a fist into his stomach, distracting him. He began of course to scream  in pain. " Shut up, you pathetic mortal" ! I snapped at him with venom lacing in my tone. But the man ignored my orders, probably it had fallen on deaf ears.  Sighing, i quickly reached for my silencer,   " I have to do this quickly, i have too much business in this country..."  i thought while i cocked the gun slightly. Pressing it to his head, i pulled the trigger then and shot in the chest and head. His eyes widened at the impact , causing him to immediately stop all  movements and drop back. Seeing this, i got up off the him and walked beside the corpse.  Taking one look at him, i began to make my way out when i noticed a bag of ice resting on the floor. Right then and there, i began to remember hostage and the injuries i had previously inflicted.  " She'll probably need some ice, that will ease the swelling " I thought nodding my head. Reaching forward i had almost grabbed the bag of ice but then i paused again.  "Wait.... what am i saying ? The brat is my captive, i don't give a damn if the little imp is injured" !  I said aloud angrily. "Serves the little shit right'" i nodded agreeing with my thought, then i continued towards the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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