Chapter 1. Home sweet basement

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Loud cries filled the basement, waking me from my light slumber. I groaned and blinked my blurry eyes as I tried to adjust to the dark. I couldn't make out much, just the dark silhouettes of beds, and little mounds of sleeping omega's laying on top of them. I quietly sat up, making Charlie whine as I shifted the bed. I paid her no attention, instead searching for whoever it was making all the noise.

I quickly spotted two figures sitting up, a few beds down from mine. I rolled my eyes, immediately realizing it was Sydney and Sammy. I was half tempted to just flop back down, but doubted I be able to get any sleep anyway. It amazed me that no one else was up, and also filled me with a deep envy. I tiredly looked away from the noisy duo and towards the small alarm clock that sat on top of our only dresser. Four fifty three, it taunted me with it's glowing red numbers. Just about thirty minutes till I had to get up. I pushed myself off the bed, figuring I might as well start getting ready since I was already up.

"What," Charlie asked with one of her blues eyes peeking out of her squished in face.

"Go back to sleep," I whispered before quietly sneaking out of the room, into our adjoined bathroom. I quietly shut the door, before I turned the lights on. Our bathroom looked like it belonged at a pool. All concrete with small stalls that had flimsy see through curtains instead of doors. It seemed like no matter what the floor was alway just a little damp, and it wasn't exactly odd to see a spider or two hanging out in there. The showers only ever ran cold water, and either came like little pebbles bruising our skin, or hardly at all. Because of that, all showers tended to be under five minutes.

I was the exception. It wasn't that I practically liked the showers here, it was just I always had the misfortune of picking the one that was out of shampoo or conditioner. I would just leave it, but I couldn't stand my hair when it wasn't properly taking care off. It felt gross and oily, and tangled into massive nats, that got caught in everything near my head. I couldn't stand it. Beside my hair was probably my best feature, when cleaned and groomed right. It was a thick slick black, that hung in slight waves all the way to my ass. On the rare occasion I got a compliment, it was always directed at my hair.

Since I was the first one in here, and had plenty of time to spare, I was able to check the soap bottle before showering. So, my getting ready time was cut down a good few minutes, which I used to braid my hair. I wasn't exactly sure what to do after that. I needed to go get dressed, but most of the other's were still sleeping. Of corse if they could sleep through Sammy and Sydney's cry fest, then me getting dressed was fine.

I turned off the bathroom light, and quietly crept back into the room wrapped up in a thin raggedy towel. I went over to my bed, and carefully opened my small box of clothes. Most of them were just hand me downs from pack kids, who either out grew them or just no longer wanted them. I had a few things that I just swiped from the laundry. Even then it wasn't a lot, just a few old shirts, a beat up hoody, and a couple pairs of jeans. With out the lights I couldn't really pick anything out, so I just felt around and took out the first shirt and first pair of jeans I came in contact with. Once I was dressed, I threw my towel into the hamper crawled back into bed.

"Mm," Charlie moaned as I again caused the bed to shirt. She pried an eye open and looked me over. Seeming puzzled she asked, "what time is it?"

"Almost five twenty," I whispered.

"Gross," she commented, "why are you up?"

"I felt like I wasn't getting tortured enough," I said, "so I decided to cut back on the few hours of sleep I get."

"Wow," she grinned, "no wonder you're Alpha's favorite. So dedicated to his cause of making everyone miserable."

"I know," I said, "I mean if it were up to just me, I'd kill myself. But I'm sure Alpha would much prefer if I slowly exhaust my self to death by not sleeping."

She laughed at that, earning a sleepy "Shuddup" from somewhere in the room. She stopped and covered her mouth with a small guilty grin. I just rolled my eyes, wondering why we were getting scolded when Sammy and Sydney were being much louder.

"Who's crying," Charlie asked as if just now picking up on the sobbing and moaning.

"Sammy and Sydney," I told her.

"Again," she asked, half way between annoyed and sorrowful. I just nodded. It wasn't exactly rare for someone to be crying down here, but Sammy and Sydney took it a new level. It seemed like their watery blue eyes were always leaking tears, their chapped thin lips always coated in snot, and their small heart like faces always flushed red. It was excessive and bothersome, and any pity I felt for the two has long been dried up. Yeah, living here as an omega here sucked balls, but crying was just going to make you choke.

"I feel bad for them," Charlie said as she chewed on her plushie lip.

"I don't."

"Come on Ty," Charlie scolded me, "it's different for them. They weren't raised here. From what I've heard their old pack was good to omegas. This must be a huge shock for them."

"They've been here for what," I asked trying to remember when the two joined the pack, "like five years?"

"I think so," Charlie mumbled and I could hear the grinds turning as she tried to recall when they joined.

"Let's just go with that," I said as my brain started to ache, "which is more then enough time to get used to this shit. Besides how nice could their old pack have been? An omega's purpose is to serve, it doesn't matter where you come from, that kind of existence is bound to be shitty. Besides, it's not exactly hard to be considered nice when next to our pack. We make Umbridge seem nice."


"You know, the crazy cat lady from Harry Potter," I informed her.

"Oh yeah," she recalled, "she's a bitch."


"Still," she said as she looked back at the two crying girls, "I bet they miss their home."

Before I could respond, the alarm blared out loudly. I winced as it pierced my ears, and Charlie groaned over dramatically as she yanked her pillow over her head. The other's slowly started sitting up, rubbing their eyes and lazily rolling out of their beds. The alarm shut off, and the lights flicked on. I blinked harshly, trying to adjust the asunder of light as I listened to the other start to get ready.

"Kill me," Charlie complained, still sprawled out next to me, "Kill me, and switch out all of Luna's dark eyeshadows with my ashes."

"That's sick," I told her, opening my eyes wide my eyes open to give her my best horrified look. She blinked innocently at me, "Why? I just want to feel pretty for once!"

I choked back a laughs and shoved her off the bed. She landed in her ass with an oomph, before standing up and smacking me upside my head.

"Hey," I snapped at her, rubbing the stinging spot. Like the child she was, Charlie stuck her tongue out at me before she started to get ready. I rolled my eyes and got comfortable as I waited on everyone

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