Chapter 17. A painful truth

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Calvary's P.O.V

Fighting against an alpha was never a smart move. They were huge and brutal creatures, who always thought they were right, even when they clearly were in the wrong.

It was frustrating. His teeth ripping into my flesh, reminding me all over just how stupidly strong alpha's were. I couldn't help the loud startled yep as I yanked my self loose. It burned and festered throughout my whole neck, making every move painful. Even growling hurt like a fucking bitch.

I wondered if this is what it was like for Ty. His neck was so bad when he first got here. It looked disformed, and was almost as thick as his skull just from swelling up.

The thought of my poor little omega in this kind of pain, had my wolf roaring even against his alpha. Stephen didn't seem to appreciate the sentiment, as he hated his bloody pointed teeth at me, and charged. We crashed into each other, so hard my bones ached at the impact. I was on my handlegs, my claws dig into his shoulders as his sink into my bag and dragged down painfully. I snapped at him blindly biting, trying to get a good hold of him, while also avoiding being bitten again.

All I could hear was loud growling rumbling through my ears like an angry ocean. I could only smell the iron tang of blood hanging thick in the air mixing together with pheromones the alpha and I were releasing, making the room feel as if all the air was slowly being sucked out. Breathing was hard, every breath felt like sharp and rough, and never seemed to satisfy my lungs.

Alpha seemed largely unaffected by it, as he kept on pushing me back, trying to force me into submission. I wouldn't give in. I couldn't. Ty was being me. I had to protect him, I had to keep him from ever being hurt again.

I was starting to grow desperate, my wolf pushing to the front as I finally lashed my teeth into the alpha's neck. He roared loudly, tearing away, leaving me with a chunk of bloody fur and flesh.

Oh Goddess. He was pissed. I almost felt scared, he was so fucking mad. I couldn't even blame him. For a wolf lower then him to go for his throat was wrong. It was presumptuous of me to even think that I could take down an alpha. Let alone an alpha I was suppose to serve.

However, I am a gamma. While beta's have sworn loyalty to the alpha. Gamma's swear loyalty to the pack, which made it our jobs to take the alpha down if the pack no longer felt they were no longer fit to lead. It was do that notion that many alpha's for go having a gamma despite the advantages it brings.

Again Alpha charged at me, and I braced my self as I prepared to fight him off. He got less then a foot in front of me, his claw raised ready to slash my face, when a blob of rusty brown crashed into him. I looked over and before I could even think, I too was pinned down by another wolf.

I huffed in, and through blood and pheromones I could pick up the familiar hint of lemons. Pack members. I looked up and sure enough it Kyle, one of my more promising trainees. I sighed and relaxed under him, showing that I was done fighting. He hesitated a little but stepped off, allowing me to stand up.

On the other side of the room, Tess, the Beta, was growling and snapping angrily at the alpha, who just continued to stare me down growling. I rolled my eyes, and decided to ignore him. I'm sure Tess was chewing him out now. I turned back to Ty, and nearly cursed me self to hell as I saw him passed out, with Jen hovering over him.

When did all these people get in here?

I brushed that off. It wasn't important, right now I needed to focus on Ty. Without concern to the other's I shifted back, and stocked up to the bed.

"Is he okay?"

I nearly winced at the the wicked glare Jen shot me, "no thanks to you."

I bit my tongue and watched as she examined the poor pup, before gently resting him on his side as to not bother his still broken tail. I frowned, gently brushing a lock of his long black hair back. I fucked up so bad. I shouldn't have pushed alpha that far, even if I was right.

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