Chapter 15. BFF and whatnot

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Charlie's POV

Everything hurt like a bitch. Every single ragged breath felt like knifes scraping against my poor lungs, and my whole body was pulsing with a hot furious pain. I was damp with a mixture of sweat, tears, blood, and even some fucking urine. As damn shameful as that was.

My jaw ached worse of all, and the lingering taste of cum and sweat made me want to fucking puke. I was so thankful to have been blessed with a vagina, cause I was sure f I was that if I had been a male omega, it wouldn't have stopped at oral sex. Not that I particularly enjoyed taking guy's dicks down the throat, but I'd rather not get pregnant like Ty did.

My wolf whimpered sadly at his name, deeply missing the mouthy idiot. I couldn't blame her. I missed him too. To almost a creepy level actually, as I've saved a lock of his hair under my pillow. It wasn't for creepy reason, it's just that I found sleeping hard with out Ty.

Not just sleeping though. I found life in general to be hard without Ty. It wasn't just because the Alpha was taking Ty's disappearance out on me, but it was because in my heart Ty was it. He was my pack, my family, m best friend. Sure I got along with the other omega's, but Ty was the only one that really let me be him. The other's were a little to sensitive to our brand of humor.

"They still haven't give Sammy back," Sydney whispered next to me. The two of us have taken to sharing a bed, in the absence of Ty and Sammy. The twins were an okay replacement for Ty. They cried a lot more, and Sydney was not more of a bitch, but their company was still appreciated. Besides I was rather grateful for their help in getting Ty away from here. Especially since it brought hell upon Sammy.

While we all helped the pregnant omega escape, Sammy was the only one they could proof was involved. As a result, the poor girl's been locked downstairs. I was worried. For her, and for Ty. She could have already given them his location, for all I knew. In which case all I could do was hope that he ended up not going to the pack Sammy and Sydney spoke so highly of.

"They will," I mumbled back tiredly. I wanted to give Sydney more comfort than that, but it was just to much effort to do so. Instead, I just nuzzled Ty' s hair to my face, breathing in his minty scent. The cool smell crackled through my blood, slightly easing my pain and relaxing my muscles. I smiled happily with that, and reminded myself that it was for the wonderful owner of the smell that things were so drier now.

That knowledge somehow made this all a bit more bearable. Ty was worth the pain and the grief, and the hallow loneliness that was swallowing up my heart. Him and his baby, who better fucking be named Charlie.

It was just to bad that I would never meet the little fucker. Though probably for the best. I'd for sure spoil the little bean rotten.

"I swear to God, he better tell them where we are," Sydney muttered beside me.

"What," I asked, feeling a bit more rejuvenated with Ty's sent.

"I mean Ty," she scrawled, "he better let Stephen know where we are."

"Why," I asked a bit confused as to where the omega was forming from. It wasn't like Alpha Stephen could do anything about our situation, and even if he could I doubted he would. We were omegas. This was how things were in most packs, there wasn't anything to be done about it. Besides that, we offered no value to Stephen's pack what so ever. All we could do was clean.

Ignoring all that though, even if the alpha did for some reason decide to try and help us out, why would he listen to anything Ty had to say. Ty was a disgrace now. More so then h already was, given that he's not only pregnant, but also ran out on his mate. He'll be lucky to be taken in by anyone really. Most likely even if he made it there, they kicked him out and now he's living as a rogue. Which, to be frank, still fucking beat this shit.

"So we can get the fuck out of here before Sammy end up dead," she shouted, warning a few groans from the other omegas.

"They won't kill her," I assured, "a large part of their profits come from selling omegas, especially omega females since we're highly fertile."

"Are you serious," she asked looking rather disgusted.

"Yeah," I said, "you don't have to worry though they don't sell us till we're in our mid twenties."

"Is that why I haven't seen any older omegas," she asked, "I always thought thy just killed them off."

"Naw," I said, "that would be wasteful, and the Rhinestone pack is all about using everything to the fullest. We recycle and everything."

"I can't tell if your being serious or not," Sydney said as she quirked a gashed brow at me. She's gotten off the lightest when it came to Ty's escape, but she wasn't Scott free that's for sure.

"Who know," I sighed depressedly, "there's no point in being funny without Ty! I miss him, more than Pharaoh misses his slaves."

"Odd comparison," she pointed out. I just shrugged.

The alarm went off ending the conversation there, as I gave out a loud annoyed groan. I don't want to work!

"Come on," Sydney said ever so calmly as she rolled off our tiny cot.

"No," I whined sinking to the floor in an awkward heap, "everywhere hurts! Just tell them I threw up!"

"They'll come down looking for you," she pointed out. I raised my shoulder indifferently, earning a highly annoyed sigh from Sydney, before I found myself being half dragged to the bathroom.

"No," I screeched as I struggled against her bony arms, but she was surprisingly strong for a half starved omega. She plopped me in the nearest open shower, and blasted the cold water onto me.

"You fucking bitch," I gurgled our as I trie fro keep the water from pounding into my face.

"Shower," she told me completely ignoring my insults, "and get dressed so you can do your damn chores. The last thing we need is to drag more attention to ourselves."

"Slave driver," I accused. Sydney's just rolled her eyes at me before stepping into the shower beside me.

"I can't wait till Sammy's back," she said loud enough for me to hear, "them I won't have to bother with you're annoying ass!"

"Yeah," I agreed, " same here, that way I won't have to deal with you're constant fucking nagging! You damn mother!"

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