Chapter 16. Fight

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Calvary was a very odd wolf. To me, he behaved like an overgrown puppy with a new bone. However, I've started to suspect that he wasn't always so adorable. In fact, it seemed quiet the opposite really.

The other wolves in the pack seemed to be scared of him. Even the Alpha was a bit wary. From a physical point I could understand this. Calvary was huge, he even had a few inches on the alpha, and he was slim and well built. A perfect fighting machine. But in front of me he seemed the opposite.

I looked to the wolf in question, and was unsurprised to find him already looking at me. His honey eyes sparkling as he smiled so happily at me, I could practically see his tail wagging. I couldn't help but smile back, a warm flush settling on my cheeks. When his smile grew impossibly larger, I looked down, unable to handle is overwhelming happiness. This just seemed to please him more, as he chuckled at me.

I huffed, and shot him a small glare. I've been here a few days now, and was still unable to understand just why seemed to like me so much. I wasn't exactly sweet or anything, and for the most part have reverted back to being a dick to everyone. Of corse I was only like that because Calvary made me feel so unbelievably safe. His gentle assuring smiles to me let me know he was no threat, and the way he seemed to glare at everyone else subtly let me know he wouldn't let them hurt me either. I appreciated it, since without him I'd pry be a nervous wreck.

"How are you feeling," he asked after few beats of silence. He asked this all the time. Always so hopeful, like one of these times he expected me to say that I felt like million bucks.

"Fine," I shrugged with a slight wince. In truth I was a hella lot better than when I first got here. My neck no longer resembled a disformed overgrown plum, and had shrunken back to it original twig like for with a sickly green color. It still hurt, but I could talk and breath normally now. My tail felt better to, it still hurt like a bitch, but it was bearable now, especially with the pain meds. The rest of my body has seemed to have completely forgotten about our torturous run here, and it had me itching to get up and move.

My whole life, and I don't think I've ever just been able to rest like this. I was supposed to be able to when that dick shattered my knee, but the Alpha had to go and ruin that. What a bitch.

"That's good," he hummed, though I think he doubted me. Which was justifiable, given how long it's taken me to heal this stuff. My neck at least should be healed by now; if I was a normal would it would be. I was relieved it wasn't though, as the discoloring of it helped hide my claim mark.

"Stephen's gonna be here soon to ask you more questions," he continued, gently brushing away a tuff of my hair. He seemed to like my hair, which made regret cutting it. Especially given that the plan went to shit, and they all saw me with short hair anyway. My sacrifice was in vein, I huffed sadly.

"Okay," I said trying to be nonchalant about. In all honestly I didn't like the questionnaire sessions with the Alpha. It wasn't that I had a problem talking about, but it seemed Calvary didn't like hearing it at all. He's growl and pout, and grip my hand so tightly my finger would go whiter than snow.

Given all he's done for me, I would prefer not to talk about it in front of him. He refused to leave though, and I was genuinely concerned that if I didn't talk Alpha Stephen would kick me out of his pack.

Even knowing this, I had a slight bit of dread growing inside me. I've so far have been able to avoid telling them about my pregnancy and my mating to Alpha Xavier. I wasn't sure how the news would go down, but something told me probably not well. However with things going on as they were, I was running out of time to find a way to keep it secret. I probably only had a mother day until the bruising on my neck went down enough to reveal the mark.

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