Chapter 3. Punishment and fights

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Deven's big hand easily enclosed around my neck. His calluses finger scraping against my soft skin as his sharp claws dug into my flesh. I felt heavy as his toxins pumped into me in thick pulsing waves, leaving me unable to do anything but hang limply from his hold.

Every wolf was capable of producing toxins. The stronger the wolf the stronger the toxins was. An Alpha's was enough to paralyze an elephant and was so painful it felt like very nerve was being soaked in acid. A warriors on the other hand, just made the victim feel uncomfortably hot, like a sunburn and made them their bodies heavy and their minds drowsy. A stinger wolf would have been able to fight against these toxins, but omegas were defenseless against them. Yet another way we were inferior, according to others.

"I've just about had it with your attitude," he growled out some, his spit spraying my face. I would have grimaced in disgust, if my face wasn't already pinched tightly in pain as it felt like my throat was being squished and my lungs were screaming for air anyway. I was sure I must have looked like a blue berry ready to just fucking burst. Not that Devon seemed to care. In fact, he just smiled wickedly at me and ruthlessly slammed my tiny body into the wall.

"Uh," I managed the tiniest grunt as my back collided into cool concrete. My head banged against it making my ears ring as everything started to get fuzzy. Not a good sign.


I faintly caught the word being shouted somewhere in the room. I couldn't tell who shouted, just that it wasn't Devon. A bit of dread trickled into my stomach at the word, catching me off guard. Was I afraid of dying?

My thoughts cut off, as Devon's hand squeezed. I shut my eyes thinking this was for sure it, but then he let go. My lungs greedily expanded to the point they felt tight against my ribs as I gasped in. I was half way collapses against the wall, sucking in like a fucking dying fish, and unable to process what was happening around me, when something hard crashed against my knee cap.

"Aaa," I screamed as I felt my leg buckle with a sickening crackle. I crumbled to the ground, my leg withering in agony centered around my knee. Fuck. The pain was overwhelming. I couldn't focus on anything but that, and it was making me nauseous. I gagged. Something lurched in my stomach, and something rushed up my throat. My mouth flooded with a chunky acidic mush, and I tried to swallow it back down but choked and had to spit it out.

I blacked out after that. The next thing I knew I was waking up back in my bed in the dingy basement. I felt stiff, and my leg was hot and itchy. I tried to move it, but found it to be bound tightly so it remained perfectly straight. Pushing myself up awkwardly, I saw that my leg was set up in a bright pink cast that went all the way from my hip to the very top of my toes. I sighed as I ran my fingers over the cast, surprised by it's existence.

I've broken bones before, and so have a lot of the other. It wasn't exactly common though, since punishments that made us unable to work were frowned upon. This was the first time I've seen one casted before. Usually we were just left to deal with it by ourselves, and would just tie a ruler or something for the sorts to the joint to keep it from being moved. It must have been very bad for me to actually receive medical attention for it.

"Oh look who's up," Charlie said as she came into the room carrying a tray.

"Hey," I wheezed out. My throat felt raw and scratchy, and talking was like pushing needles into it. I watched as she sat the tray over my lap before sitting beside me, "what happened?"

"Don't ask me," she said, "I was just outside being miserable when Sammy ran out screaming that you were hurt. I went with her to the medical wing, and the alpha told me I had the rest of the day off to tend to your sorry ass."

"That's uncharacteristically kind of him," I pondered, rubbing my poor neck in a sad attempt to sooth my neck.

"Yeah," she agreed, "Honestly you're lucky the alpha favors you! Any other omega would have just been killed off."

I did as told, first taking a huge gulp of the water. It helped soothed my throat slightly, and I wished she had brought me tea and honey, or something a bit more soothing. I didn't complain though, knowing she would have if she could have. Instead I just silently slurped up the plain tasting chicken and noodle soap, grateful to have any food at all.

"How's your head feel," she asked.

"Fine," I said, "I don't think I'm concussed."

"Good," She nodded. It was silent for about all of two seconds before Charlie raised her hand, and wonk! She smacked the back of my head so hard it jerked forward.

"Ow," I complained rubbing the now sore spot as I glared at her.

"When the fuck are you going to stop being such a selfish stupid asshole," she screamed. Her big sharp blue eyes softened with tears as she glared down fiercely at me through her pinched in freckled face. I frowned, realizing that I truly hated seeing her like this. It made my heart feel itchy, like little bugs were crawling all over it.

"Charlie. Why are you upset," I asked gently, trying hard not to trigger her more. The last thing I needed was for her to get even more crazy.

"Why am I upset," she squealed, my intentions failing miserably as she short up from my bed and placed her hands firmly on her hips.

"Why am I upset," she repeated, "I'm upset because you could have fucking died! What the hell is your problem? Can you not think? Did they nock all the brain cells from you're head? If you had just fucking shut the fuck yo for once in your life, you would have just gotten a slap! If even that!"

"It's not like I was aiming to get the shot beat out of me," I said, "I don't know if you noticed, but it's actually not my most favorite pass time."

"Very funny," she said with a fake laugh, "but I'm not sure if I fucking believe you! I don't know if your trying to get them to kill you or what, but stop. Just stop please!"

Charlie had started to full on sob now, only making the itchiness spread throughout my whole body. I shifted uncomfortably trying to figure out how to console her.

"Charlie," I grabbed her hand but she quickly snatched it away from me.

"No, don't fucking 'Charlie' me! I want you to stop! You can joke and complain about anything you want with me, but please just keep it inside your head in front of them. Please! You're all I got."

"I" I started intending to swear my life to her if it got her to stop crying; however, I recalled Sammy and Sydney's faces as they waited their punishment. Their wide eyed faces stricken with absolute horror.

"I'm sorry," I ended up saying instead. Charlie just shook her head at me and stepped back while biting her lip to hold back sobsZ

"Eat your food. You're to stay down here till the cast can be removed," she told me, before bolting out of the room.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself, "I really am stupid."

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