Chapter 12. Getting Help

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"Calvary," the booming voice saved me the inquisitive look the beautiful man had been sending me, as he quickly stood up and turned to face the new person.

I sniffed curiously, only to greeted by two powerful scents. One was soft fruity and a bit familiar, though I couldn't pace it. The other was strong and brass, a mixture of metal and lemon. It was obvious male and overpowered the area, making it clear that this man was an alpha, if not at the very least a Beta. My wolf whined, while I just shifted trying to catch sight of the new people. Unfortunately a certain someone was blocking my view, so all I could see was a strong muscular back, and a surprisingly plump ass. Seriously, I was beginning to root for him to have a small dick. It's the only way this could possibly be fair.

"Stephen," the beautiful man answered with a nod, still blocking me from sight. I peeked up at the name, feeling rather curious about the alpha Sammy and Sydney spoke so highly of. I even tried to push myself up, but didn't even get a centimeter before my body gave out. I gave a small pathetic whimper as I was forced to just lie there and see what happens.

"Let us see the omega," Alpha Stephen demanded the beautiful man. The man gave a small growl, but complied stepping to the side.

Alpha Stephen looked like the American dream boy. Tall and well built with short spiky blond hair and sparkly blue eyes. He had a strong face with a square jaw and a slightly crooked nose, and two flat black brows that furrowed slightly as he took me in.

The fruity smell came from a tall slender woman that stood slightly behind the alpha. She had a topple of strawberry blond hair in a giant bun on top her head, and thick round glasses that fit her heart shaped face well. Her manicured hand was covering her mouth in shock as she looked me over.

"Well shit," Alpha Stephen sighed rubbing his face as squatted in front of me. I was starting to get offended. I didn't think I looked that bad.

"Jen," he spoke without looking away from me, "can you tell us what's wrong with him?"

"Right," the fruity smelling woman nodded. I watched as she scurried over to me, dropping a heavy bag down beside me. She knelt down and started to reach out towards me. I pulled back wearily, letting a small growl escape my mouth. She kept coming though, so I bared my teeth into a snarl.

"It's okay," she tried to assure me, but I had no reason to believe that shit. I was completely defenseless and with child, I didn't want anyone touching me right now, let alone a stranger. It didn't matter what Sammy and Sydney said about this pack, I was sure they were exadurating. They may treat omega's better here, but that didn't mean they were good.

So when the woman continued to reach for me despite my warnings, I snapped at her. She yelped yanking her hand back as I continued to snarl at her. The three exchanged glances, and I could tell they were mind linking one another. I stopped growling as I watched, unable to help myself from focusing on the beautiful man. I believe the Alpha had called him Calvary. What an odd name. Still it sounded good.

It was oddly cute to see his handsome face scrunch up in displeasure as he shot the to glares. Every now and then he'd look towards me, and his whole demeanor would soften into concern. I wondered how bad I must seem to warrant such a reaction from the hot giant, but still liked the attention he gave me. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Which was honestly gross. If Charlie were here she'd fake vomiting everywhere. Yet, somehow, I didn't mind all that much.

Shit, this really was dangerous.

"Hey," Calvert comes at me as he again squared down, "I know that you don't trust us right now, but you need help. Jen's the pack doctor, she needs to look you over."

As much as I was attracted to this man, and as honest as he seemed to be with his cute little smile and worried honey eyes. I still wasn't sure, but it was probably best to relent right now. Pissing them off by fighting was gone get me anywhere, and he was right. I needed help.

I gave him a small huff, and rested my tired head down. He smiled, a big whopping smile that displayed his shiny white teeth, as he reached down and gently patted my fur. I tensed a little feeling a dull shock as he did, but brushed it of as static. He just gave me one last smile before pulling back and letting Jen take his spot.

Jen cautiously reached for me again. I hated my teeth, but let her pet me as I felt Calvary's eyes on me. She gently brushed trough my fur, and then begin to examine me. I tried to stay as calm as possible as she moved and prodded at me, even though it fucking hurt like a bitch. Anytime I let out a sound of pain though, Calvert would whine sadly at me, like he was hurt to. It was weird, but I would be lying if I didn't say I found just a little bit of comfort in it.

"Well," Jen said as she started to dig through her bag, "it's probably good that he didn't shift. His tail is broken, and shifting could have paralyzed it."

Both Calvary and the alpha growled at her words, but Jen seemed unbothered and continued, "his ribs also seem to be tender. None of them felt out of place, so hopefully they're just bruised, but there a chance they could be fractured. His neck has some swelling, and multiple puncture wounds, and his left knee is also badly swollen. For now I'm gonna bandage his tail to keep him from injuring it further, but he needs x-rays before we can go farther."

"When will he be able to shift back," Calvary asked, as Jen started the wound on my tail. The liquid she poured on sting like a hord of wasps, and I couldn't contain my whimpers. Calvary whined right back.

"Well," Jen pondered, "it really depends on his other injuries. It's possible for him to shift back and leave his tail, so if that's the only thing that's broken, shifting back shouldn't be a problem. If it's more then that, he'll have to stay as a wolf for at least a couple of days."

Calvary whimpered sadly as he looked at me like a lost puppy. I just snorted and looked away, in able to handle his cuteness. Seriously? What did he expect me to do about it. Wasn't my fault I was injured.

After Jen bound my tail so tight I wasn't able to move it at all, Calvert gently picked me up. I nearly groaned as his yummy scent engulfed me. He was delicious, and I was having a hard time regaining myself from licking his hard bare chest. He gently pecked the top of my head, in a kind of affection I've never received before. It left my heart racing and spread a gently warmth through my blood. It felt so cozy and safe in his arms that I found myself snoozing off.

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