Chapter 10: Told to the World

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The echoes of hundreds of people talking was all that could be heard in the building. The Beatles were at the front of the crowd.

Ringo could not gather the nerve to look at the people in front of him. Instead, he had his head lowered downwards, just enough so that his scar wasn't visible.

George tapped his fingers on the wooden desk that was below him, trying to calm his nerves. He looked around nervously, not wanting to speak for the whole event. He knew that he would have to anyways, no matter what happened.

Paul and John were looking at each other. The bassist was starting to sweat with anticipation. John was able to keep a calm demeanor, but even he started to feel nervous.

Once the talking died down, a newscaster asked the first question.

"Do any of you know how the perpetrator was able to get into the concert hall?"

John was the one who answered. 

"We think that he most likely hid the gun so that no one noticed it."

Another newscaster asked a question.

"Is there anyone you know of that would have a reason to attack Ringo?"

"No," Paul said. He did have the idea that Pete was still jealous of them, but he couldn't imagine that he was the one who did it.

"Are you four going to take a break from concerts?"

Brian, who was standing next to John, answered.

"It is preferable. Yes."

John, Paul, George, and Ringo all nodded in agreement.

"How long is that break going to be?"

"At least a week," Brian responded.

Ringo thought that that was for the best. He couldn't bare to perform another concert right after...

His thoughts were halted when he heard someone ask the question that they had all feared.

"What is Ringo's condition?" asked another newscaster.

There was a small pause. George sighed.

"H-he's fine, But..." he took a deep breath.

"T-the bullet... it... h-his v-vocal cords were hit and... w-we were told that he'll never... never... t-talk again..."

The crowd was silent. Ringo closed his eyes, wishing that he was anywhere else in the world. 

George looked down, waiting for anything to happen.

 Paul was scanning the entire crowd. They all had stopped taking pictures and either had surprised or distraught expressions.

John turned his head to the right for a moment, feeling pity for the other guitarist.

"W-who told you exactly?" asked the same newscaster.

"The nurse did. And h-he has tried t-to talk since, b-but he hasn't been able t-to... I... I am just as saddened by this as much a-as you are," George glanced to his left, staring at Paul, John, and Brian.

"W-we all are..."

Ringo lowered his head onto the desk, placing it in his arms. He knew that the crowd's attention was on him now. Usually, he felt no embarrassment in these situations, but now the feeling overpowered him. 

Again, there was a moment of silence. 

George looked to his right. He quivered at the sight of the drummer. 

A different newscaster broke the silence.

"Well... some attendants of the c-concert are saying t-that they saw a dark-haired man pull out a gun and m-make a quick exit from the building... no one knows who he is t-though..."

"He n-needs to be found... soon..." John said. 

"D-did they see a-anything else?" Paul asked in a shaky voice.

"Well, he was wearing a large jacket. His hair was short, and they say that he had an american accent."

George gave a short sigh of relief. The statement put his worries that Pete was behind this to rest. Jimmie Nicol was also cleared by that statement. Though, George hadn't been in contact with either of them for a while. 

He briefly wondered what they were thinking about the news.

"Well... we d-don't know who he is..." he stated quietly.

Ringo had not raised his head yet. He was too scared to do so. 

'Who's to say that he wont try again? What if he's... he's...' His thought could not be completed. The mere idea made him sick to his stomach. For his culprit to be here, among all of these people, it would not be good. But, what were the chances of that?

After all, it would be risky for the culprit to attend this event, right?

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