Chapter 31: Ringo's Message

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After a few minutes, Ringo set the pencil down on the nightstand and tore the paper out on the notebook. 

Silently, he turned to his friends, who all looked at him expectantly.

Ringo gently handed the paper to George and looked away from him, snuggling into the covers.

"So... should we all read it?" John asked, reaching towards the paper.

"I suppose that it'll be more efficient," George responded.

Paul leaned over.

"I mean... his spelling-"

"T-there's no other way."

John looked at him for a moment.

"I guess you're right..."

The three Beatles all leaned in close to each other, John holding out the paper so that they could see what it said, Ringo facing away from them all the while.


Im not sure how to start this off.

Their's so much that I want to say rite now, but Id rathar save the paper for now.

George, thank you for what you did bak there. I carn't say that I agree with your desision to, well, you know...

I hate to think about what Harold did you and me, but even though he's gone, I know I'll have to live with this for the rest of me life.

Paul, first off, I want to say that I dont blame you for making us go out to that bar. We needed to do something together, and its not your fault what hapened.

John, I carn't say that I've ever seen you like how I have for the past few days. I never took you as the soft and caring kind, but I know that you toke care of Paul when we werent here.

And, I just realised something.

Even though we might nor forget what hapened, we shouldn't let it destroy our future.

Now, sure, I carnt talk anymore, but I know that you all are stil going to keep me. Its not our careers that's me greatest consern.

I know that we may bear the effects of this for a long time, but we should all just stay as close as we were before.

George, I carnt say for sure if you suffered much less than I did, but I dont want you to feel bad about yourself.

I dont want any of you to feel bad.

We still have a while before we start doing concerts again, so I think that we should try to get our lives bak to normal in the meantime.

I know that it may not be easy at first, but, as long as we're together, we'll still be The Beatles.

John, Paul, thanks for looking after George and me and calling the athorities so that they came for us. I carn't imagine how scared you two must have been when you saw George.

George, you didnt have to go as far as you did, but thank you. I didnt want you to be hurt, probaly just as much as you didnt want Harold to hurt me. 

But, I know how much you wish that you were the one shot instead.

I love you George. 

Dont let all of this get to you. 

Im so proud of all of you for what you've did to take care of me after the incident at the concert. I dont want this shadow of pain and regret cover us for much longer than it needs to.

Its about time it goes away.

John, Paul, George, thank you for what you three did.

I couldnt have asked for better friends.



The three Beatles finished reading the letter, their eyes all brimming with tears.

George took the paper in his hands and turned over, only to see Ringo laying on his side.


Ringo rolled onto his back, trying to dry the tears from his face.

The sight made George pause for a moment.

Silently, he placed the paper of the nightstand and turned the lamp off, covering the room in darkness once again.

"Here... I t-think you should s-sleep in the middle tonight."

George moved Ringo next to John as he moved to lay on the edge of the bed.

The blanket raised so that it was now equally covering the four musicians.

George rolled onto his side, facing his friends.

"T-thank you..." He whispered as Ringo laid on his back.

John and Paul looked at each other for a moment, contemplating what to say.

Eventually, the pair snuggled closely to Ringo, catching him off guard.

"Why, I wouldn't think you'd b-be so calm, but... you're right," John said softly.

"Ringo, we all love you too," Paul said.

George took Ringo in his arms and pulled him close to his chest.

"I j-just d-didn't w-want to see you like that..." he trailed off, voice shaky.

John and Paul focused on Ringo, seeing how he was looking at George with care.

George placed a hand in Ringo's hair and opened his eyes, a smile appearing on his face.

"B-but... I'm j-just grateful that we are all still here... e-especially you."

A tear of happiness fell from his eye.

"I-I l-love you Richie."

John and Paul smiled as well, holding each other's hands.

Ringo stared into George's eyes, his own starting to tear up as well. His lips quivered as he started to feel sleepy.

And, for the first time in a very long time, Ringo smiled back.

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