Chapter 19: Held Captive

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Slowly, George's mind stirred to consciousness.

A massive headache made his thoughts all clutter together as he slowly took in his surroundings.

He couldn't move his hands, for they were tied behind his back.

It also felt like he was tied to some sort of chair, that squeaked as he tried to move.

George's eyes slowly fluttered open, and upon seeing where he was, he gasped.

The basement was dark and cold, but even so, he could see Ringo lying on the stone ground, his back up against the wall.

A chain was wrapped around his body and it was connected to the wall, not allowing him to move.

His hands were also tied.

Ringo's blue eyes landed on George, but he couldn't do so much as call out to him.

The memories as to what happened outside the bar came back to George in full force, and he felt his blood go cold.

The rest of the basement was devoid of anything. There weren't even windows to let in light.

It was when a door creaked open at the top of the staircase that George felt a pit forming in his stomach. Even though both Ringo and he couldn't see who was at the top of the staircase, they knew who it was.

"Well, well, well," Harold stated plainly, straightening his black jacket as he started to walk down the stairs, "that was just too easy."

George felt anger form within him.

"Let us go!"

Harold paused for a moment, surprised by the statement.

"Huh, you're awake already..." he stated as he got to the last step.

He stepped onto the ground and turned to walk to the two musicians, who both stared at him with wide eyes.

"W-what do you want?" George stuttered as Harold stopped in front of him.

Glancing over at Ringo, Harold replied.

"Hmm. I'll get what I want in time, but... I guess I should tell you two this."

Ringo's breathing quickened.

"You're friends are going crazy to find the both of you, along with pretty much everyone else... but, I wouldn't worry about that..."

Harold chuckled.

"This house is supposedly abandoned after all. Why would they look here."

"You didn't answer my question, you clod!" George screamed, "What do you want!?"

Harold crossed his arms and stepped back from George, reaching into the pocket of his jacket.

"You'll know in a moment, but..."

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

"I suggest that you keep yourself quiet as I do so."

George leaned back against the chair, eyes going wide as his face drained of colour.

Harold turned towards Ringo, who had tears forming in his eyes.

"Hmm. There is one question I'd like to ask you, George."


"Seeing how John and Paul are, oh you know, two incredibly queer lovers... Are the two of you the same?"

George clenched his teeth.

"Answer me, or," Harold turned back to George, pointing the gun at him again, "I'll put a bullet through your brain."


A sick smile appeared on Harold's face.

"And, just out of curiosity, which one of you screams as the other one slams into you?"


Harold cocked the gun.

"You know what I mean. Is it you or him?"

George felt tears of frustration form in his eyes, and he lowered his head in defeat.

"M-m... me..."

Harold lowered the gun, suppressing a laugh.

"Are you serious? You allow yourself to be dominated by that big-nosed blue-eyed idiot? Oh, this is just too good!"

He let out a chuckle and put the gun back into his pocket.

"Now, I suggest you keep yourself quiet," He stated coldly as he made his way to Ringo.


"What did I say?"


"Hmm. That's right."

Harold stopped, towering over Ringo as the drummer turned his head away from him.

He lowered down to his level, climbing on top of him, and ran a finger over the scar on his neck.

"So, you can't talk anymore, huh?"

Ringo couldn't whimper. All he could do was squirm as he felt hot breath on his cheek, head still turned away from Harold.

George watched on, horrified.

"Now, come on," Harold said as he placed a hand on Ringo's cheek, turning his head to face him.

Ringo's eyes were still closed.

"There, there."

The soft tone of Harold's voice made George recoil, but he still watched the scene in front of him.

"Shh. You better comply with me."

Ringo kept his eyes closed.

He felt lips press up against his own, and the first of his tears started to roll down his face.

George's mouth opened and he let out a shaky breath.

Ringo's body went limp as he allowed Harold to continue, and he felt a tongue wrapping around his own.

More tears slid down his cheeks as he kept his eyes squinted shut, even as a hand started to make its way under his shirt.

George felt tears form in his own eyes, and he looked around the basement for a moment.

He couldn't let this happen.

Ringo had gone through too much already.

He couldn't just sit by and let him be...

The very thought made George want to retch.

He gaze once again fell on the pair, only to see that Harold was lifting Ringo's shirt up.

Closing his eyes and lowering his head in defeat, George opened his mouth.

"T-take me instead..."

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