Were Just Friends!

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Where is he? Ugh. He was supposed to meet me half an hour ago. Where the fuck is he? However, to be fair, he did say he may be 'caught up' in his training session. The boxing match is less than a month away. So I cant really blame him; he's been working his butt off to keep his diet in check and monitoring his calories and I totally understand his reasoning. It just annoys me though, if he knows his gonna be late; why promise me that he would be there at this specific time?. He just annoys me so much. It pisses me off sometimes that no matter how many times he gets on my nerves. I still love him, undeniably and unconditionally.
In the distance, I see his familiar BMW Black Coupe, speed around the corner and illegally exceed the speed limit towards me. Speeding wont help him, trust me; he's already 35 minutes late. Oh, he's gonna get it. No-Y/N-Hugging for him. He skids around the corner and into the closest available parking space and through the transparent glass; I see him quickly unbuckle his seatbelt and grab his car keys out of the ignition. He quickly opens the car door and jumps out of the seat. He's gonna hear an earful from me. How dare he! Leave me in the cold for half an hour. He quickly approaches me and looks at me with those pleading eyes.
"No, you listen, Mr, I've been waiting for 30 minutes, A WHOLE 30 MINUTES in the cold and rain and you have the decency to turn up and try and reason with me".
"Please, Listen I was held back, coach wanted me to do extra reps-".
"So you didnt even tell him you had other plans, oh no but you dont care that YOUR bestfriend is out in the rain, all by herself where any perverted person can come and kidnap me, I guess I'll never be a priority to you, you can just go anyway, your probably bored of this conversation already and why would you want to be here with me when you got those reps to get back to, Mr Muscle Man".
With that, she turned her back to him, waiting for him to walk away from her. She knew; he wouldn't. He was too nice to do that. But she didnt want him to think, he could just get back in her good book easily.
She heard him snigger behind her back and visualized his smirk. This only infuriated her more. She didnt want him to laugh at her, she wanted him to take her seriously.
She felt him wrap his huge biceps around her waist and lean against the back of her; burying his face in her neck. She could still feel his smirk against her neck. Ugh. He aggrivates me so much. But I cant stay mad at him.
"Come on, Y/N, you know you can't stay mad at me, I'll make it up to you, I promise, it was an honest mistake, it wont happen again, your not A priority to me, your my ONLY priority, your very important to me, now come on let's head back to my place so you can get out of these wet clothes, I'll burrow you some pyjs and you can stay the night and we can watch all the chick-flicks and romantic comedy's your heart desires!".
No! There was absolutely no way, he can work his way back into my embrace by bribing me with those cheesy chick-flicks. He's only saying this because he doesn't want to hear me brag on and be dramatic about his lateness, well for sure he's gonna hea-. My thoughts are silenced immediately by the gentle trail of kisses, that make it's way from the back of my ear to the base of my collarbone. Goosebumps instantly spring upon my skin and I almost forget why I'm mad at him. God! I love and hate when he does this me. He knows his doing it, he knows how it makes me feel and yet he continues to do it. I should stop this; were only supposed to be friends, if anyone found us in this compromising position, they would think otherwise.
"Come on, baby, please for me".
He releases me and I turn around to meet the sight of him patiently holding his hand out for me to take. Hesitantly, I grasp his rigid, calloused palm and meet his eyes with mine.
"I really am sorry".
I simply smile.
"Now come on, let's get to my place".

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