Your love makes me feel so good

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Only a battle of teasing tongues, teeth ghosting over skin in a cataclysmic frenzy as logic disappeared completely, only to be replaced with mind-numbingly hungry fervour. Danielle pushed herself closer into Austin's chest, her arms wrapping around his neck and back tightly, her eyes half closed in the dimming light. Austin was trying his very best to taste every inch of her skin: beginning with her lips, then her soft cheeks, finding their way to her chin before moving down towards her limber collarbone. Every sound she made spurred Austin to greater heights of exploration, his hands and lips venturing across her skin as if she was a previously undiscovered island.
All of Austin's actions were making Danielle breathe hard and fast, like she had just run a marathon. She arched even more into Austin, her fingers tangling through the smooth tendrils of his hair as she gave herself over to him completely. Before, she hadn't known what to expect; she hadn't expected that dormant volcano inside of her to erupt suddenly, setting her senses alight. And now that she knew, she couldn't stop the inferno from burning her inside and out. She had to have more. When they eventually broke apart, Danielle followed Austin's eyes as they trailed down towards her flannel pyjama top. She glanced back up at him and Austin couldn't help noticing how flushed her cheeks were and her swollen lips.
"I need you." Danielle whispered slowly.
Austin didn't think it was possible for three simple words to make his heart rate accelerate even more in the space of a few seconds. But then again, everything to do with Danielle had always made Austin feel more of everything: brave, uncertain, bold, terrified.
Not trusting himself to speak and voice his deepest fears and insecurities, Austin cupped Danielle's cheeks in his hands and kissed her deeply, his tongue streaking across Danielle's plump bottom lip, begging for entrance. She acquiesced, opening her mouth wider to let Austin in, drowning slowly in the sensation of their bodies touching, even in this small way. Austin's hands slipped lower down towards Danielle's shoulder blades to hold her tighter. He felt sure that they were standing on top of a very steep cliff now and they were seconds away from jumping off the edge. But until that moment, he needed something to cling to, something tangible.
Then his hands left Danielle's shoulders abruptly; she stared quizzically at him when he moved away from her unexpectedly towards the foot of the bed once more. He bowed his head slightly before meeting Danielle's gaze once more, his hands going towards his pyjama top, untying the buttons one by one. He knew what it had taken for her to come to him and he wanted to put her at ease as much as possible.
Danielle watched as each button came loose on Austin's shirt. Her breath caught in her throat when Austin began shrugging out of his shirt slowly, his tanned chest exposed before her as he tossed his shirt to the side. Her hands began trembling at her sides as she longed to run them across the smooth planes of his abdomen and chest. He bent forward slightly to remove his pyjama pants, dragging them past his waist till he kicked them off his feet. That left him in his boxers, standing before Danielle, goosebumps rippling all over his body from the cold and the heat emanating from her intense stare. Austin hesitated for only a fraction of a minute before he slowly pulled them down till he was fully exposed before her.
Then Austin allowed his numb feet to guide him right back into Carly's personal space as he sat back down on the bed. He met Danielle's eyes nervously as her own eyes raked over his body with a penetrating stance.
"You're beautiful." Danielle whispered painstakingly, one of her hands moving towards Austin's cheeks to caress it gently.
He closed his eyes at the action, savouring her gentle touch for as long as he could keep it. He had to have her, he needed to show her just how much she meant to him.
"Can I?" Austin asked softly, his eyes drifting towards the top button on Danielle's shirt.
Danielle glanced down at her shirt before looking back up at Austin, nodding slowly. Her breath quickened in her chest, hammering loudly in her eardrums as Austin's fingers moved towards her shirt, loosening the cotton confines. All that could be heard was the sound of Danielle's heavy panting as Austin's cold fingertips gently slid the shirt away from her upper body. The cold air hit Danielle's bare chest instantly; she would've covered her breasts self-consciously with her hands if not for the look of tenderness and reassurance radiating from Austin's gaze as he looked at her.
"So beautiful," Austin whispered huskily in such a way that Danielle could only believe that he really meant it.
The way he was staring at her body made Danielle tingle all over and her hesitation vanished right out of the window. She confidently opened up the duvet cover and lay splayed out on the bed, her knees bent upwards. Austin got to his feet and followed her movements, his hands going towards the top of Danielle's pyjama pants, dragging it down over her legs in a torturously slow fashion. Danielle lifted herself slightly off the bed so that Austin could remove her underwear, shuddering slightly from the tickling sensation of the fabric grazing against her skin as Austin slid those off of her body as well.
His fingers ran from her chest down to her abdomen until he reached for the center of her thighs and felt her soaked; underneath his fingers.
Danielle's eyes fluttered wide at the chilling contact of his palm massaging over the warmth of her aching center. He inserted his fingers into her, sliding to and fro her wet and warm passage as his finger stroked her bud. The utter sensation amplified when his other hand returned to caress the peaks of her chest.
Minutes had passed of Austin continuously arousing Danielle; he suddenly pulled out of the bed to produce a packet from his discarded pants. He could hear the slow breathing of the girl behind him as he slid on the rubber contents of the packet. Griffin stretched out her trembling arms and legs into spread-eagle and crept over her, pinning her wrists upon the bed. Shivering with her extreme exposure, Danielle's heart pounded as he hovered above her like a hawk swooping on a rabbit, his erection readily aligned to her damp center. They could see each others' heavy breathing as their eyes gazed intently at each other and joined for a passionate kiss.
And now the moment, the loss of Danielle's virginity.
He took her cheek in his hand as he leaned down to kiss her deeply. Her hands ran down his back pulling him closer. She gasped when he entered her and he moved as slowly as possible as her nails bit into him. After a moment her grip loosened and she began moaning in time with his thrusts. She felt so good it was all he could do to go slow. He wanted it to last.
The feel of him had her losing control within minutes. She felt the slow pressure building the way it had earlier and she held his upper arms trying to gain leverage. It was so much better than before and she was trying to keep quiet, but she could hear her own pleasure echo around the half empty room. When the pressure finally peaked she called his name.
Before parting, he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"Were you a virgin?".
Embarrassment made her cheeks; blush.
She nodded her head, shyly and looked away, embarrassingly.
He slowly grasped her cheek and turned her face, so she could make eye contact with him.
"You were amazing".
She smiled at him; gratefully.
To soothe her accelerated heart rate, Danielle shifted her body to lie on her side, dragging Austin's hand over her stomach to hold her closely. Austin acquiesced by moving even closer into her, making Danielle marvel at how perfectly they fit together in every way, if only for just a night. Austin brought his other hand over Danielle's waist and laced their fingers together.
At that moment, they fell into a blissful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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