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It's on snapchat, she finds out that he left and at that moment, she couldn't stop crying. Occasionally, she would steal glances at her front door; wishing and begging that he would come through it and tell her that he loves her and that nothing will ever part them. So, as she watches the snap of him on the plane, she squeezes her eyes shut and shuts her phone down, so she can disconnect herself from him entirely. She barely has the strength to do anything these days, it's just a perfect routine of 'eat, sleep, repeat' and she hates him for letting this boy make her so depressed. Sometimes 'Chinese'; sometimes 'Indian' would be the best takeout to distinguish her health and mess her diet up, but who cares; he's not here now, so why even bother to look good anymore? She refuses to touch any 'romantics' or 'cheesy chickflicks' any more because any time; a romantic scene comes on, the tears pour out of her eyes to the point, where she's screaming at the actors on the screen, calling them 'LIARS', wondering why she didn't get her perfect ending? Wondering if she was ever good enough for him? She knows though! She knows; eventually, she'll get over him, in time.
One day, she finally has the strength to 'power on' her phone; after her much needed recovery from all this heartbreak and she is immediately greeted by an old high-school friend, texting her in her private messages.

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It was about half an hour later, when he arrived but once he arrived, it wasnt out-going, enthusiastic Austin Mcbroom

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It was about half an hour later, when he arrived but once he arrived, it wasnt out-going, enthusiastic Austin Mcbroom. When I opened the door, I was met by the sight of a distraught, trembling figure with tears overflowing from his eyes.
"Dan!". He sobbed and his bottom lip trembled.
"What happened?".
"What happened with Catherine?".
"We was... we was... sitting there and-and...".
He couldn't finish the remainder of his sentence because his voice was wracked with sobs.
"Come in".
She grasped his trembling fingers and pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. She continued pulling over, until they were both situated on the couch.
"Do you want me to call Catherine?".
"NO! Please don't call her".
The fear was practically emanating from his eyes and he grasped her fingers to extend his seriousness.
"Why? What happened?".
"Catherine... someone accused me of cheating on her and it got spread around the internet and she found out".
"Okay... surely she believes you though, there's no way she'd believe the internet over her future husband!".
"No, she said she doesn't love me anymore and she threw the ring at me and took our kids and left, I tried to stop her but she punched me in the face... SHE punched me in the face infront of my own kids, how could she do that?".
"Austin...I'm so sorry".
"I-I just can't believe she would believe them over me".
"I'm sure, she was just confused and hurt, she'll come back, you guys have been together since high school, there's no way she'll let all that history go to waste".
"This time was different, she's never hit me before!".
"It's okay, things will get better...c'mere".
She leaned in and put her arms around his trembling frame and whispered comforting coo's into his ear. She rested her head on his and slowly began to sway them to calm his emotions.
"I love her," I try and say through my tears. "I miss her."
She's nodding, and pressing her face into my neck, and my cheeks are so wet. Then she's kissing away all my tears, and I think she must have found one on my mouth because suddenly I'm kissing her desperately, needing her love like I need oxygen to breathe. We're on the floor and my shirt is gone and her skin is so warm and somewhere in this hapless, impromptu rendezvous I think I hear her say she loves me.

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