A night with him!

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We arrive at his place, around nine-thirty at night and he jumps out the side of his car quickly to run around to open the door. He's such a gentleman. Any girl would be lucky to receive the treatment he gives me. I dont understand why his ex-relationships have been so bad; sometimes it leads to believe does he act different around me or is it just all of his exes faults?. He holds out his hand to help me out of the car and I just smile at him appreciatively and elope my hand with his; the heat radiating from his palm, instantly warms my cold trembling fingers. He closes the door behind me and leads me to the closest elevator, where we descend to the third floor. We walk down the corridor displayed with a variety of different council apartments until we finally arrive at his apartment. I patiently wait for him to unlock his front door. I love his apartment, it's just so him! It just has this manly sense to it; like it's engulfed with cologne and aftershave and attired with the MMA boxing ornaments and victorious trophies. It obtains this sense of formality. I love it. I walk over to the strictly formal colour co-ordinated couch and place myself upon the plush cushion of its silk material. When I'm comfortable, I look back at him and he's just staring at me from the doorframe. With that concerned expression, he leans against the door and folds his arms against his broad chest. He's like a better version of 'Christian Grey' but I ain't no 'Anastasia Steele'; maybe that's why were bestfriends because were completely different but exactly similar in some confusing type of way.
"Why are you staring at me".
He shifted slightly from one foot to another and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I really am sorry, if I had known that you were in the rain and cold I would've drove there earlier than I had arrived".
"Its ok, I just overreacted earlier, I'm sorry-".
"No! Dont apologise, I understand your frustration you did nothing wrong but I did, so... let me make it up to you"
He maintained eye contact with me for several more seconds before leaving his position besides the door and walking over to his television system and fiddling with the buttons on this digital versatile disc player; it took him only a couple of seconds before the room was illuminated with the light of his 60' inch TV. He grabbed the remotal device, flicking through a variety of options before coming to a halt on a specifically distasteful option in his opinion. He hated this movie, but I loved it. He was the type of person who was interested in action and violence, whereas, I was more intrigued in 'romantics' and 'chickflicks'.
"You don't have to put this on, I know you hate it".
"But you love it and I'll do everything in my power to be back in your good books".
I sighed; I was way too harsh on him earlier. Instantly, I felt guilt well up inside of me.
"Tommy... please look at me"
Hesitantly, he looked at me and I could tell by his eyes; he was sincerely remorseful. I held my hand out to him and he quickly made his way to my side and grasped it.
"I love you".
"I love you, too" he replied without hesitation. I beamed up at him and we just let our hands linger in mid air for a few moments before he hesitantly extracted his hand and exited the living room. As I watched his retreating figure, I couldn't help but let my subconscience devour my mind with confused thoughts and hormonal urges.
The things that boy does to me! He makes me feel things that no other boy has made me feel in any relationship. I shouldn't be feeling these things; especially from a friend. A bestfriend. Come on, Y/N. Focus. You and Tommy are friends. Bestfriends. A strictly platonic relationship... BUT how I wouldnt like to run my hands over all those muscles. Those big, strong, muscular... what was I saying again. Oh yeah. You CAN'T have him. Not now, not ever.
My thoughts are disrupted when he enters back into the room; carrying a bunch of multi-colored throws and quilts. He walked over to the couch, where I was currently sitting and dumped the blankets besides me.
He puffed up the pillows and and laid the comforter on the couch to avoid the cold leather causing any discomfort. He stood up again; this time making his way back over to me and precisely standing infront of me. I looked into his eyes and I saw the look of uncertainty in his eye; my eyebrows furrowed in a questioning stance.
"What's wrong?".
"Nothing. Nothing at all".
"Are you sure?".
This time, he did not respond, instead he ran a tongue over his lips in a flirtatious manner and maintained eye contact with her. Silence. The room obtained an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before his hands wove their way around his belt buckle and started unbuckling the strap. Once unstrapped, he unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them carelessly down his legs. He stepped out of them and kicked them to the side and diagonally placed his hands on the hem of his muscle shirt and pulled it off of his abdomen. She was met with the exhilarating view of his chiseled chest and toned abdomen. The crevices of each ab, highlighting the perfection of his body.
He leaned forward, inching closer to her ear with his muscles convulsing entirely causing Y/N's stomach to convulse; excitedly.
"Are you okay, bebe".
"I-i erm...I'm... i-".
"I love you, Y/N".
Goosebumps riddled up her arms, her gaze flickered down to his lips and for once she was speechless. He watched my face struggle with emotions before he burst out laughing. He fell to the ground; clutching his stomach, whilst his face perpetrated the color of red and tears streamed down from his eyes.
"You should've seen your face, you were so confused and...it was priceless... your so turned on right now".
She blushed and she became defensive with embarrassment.
"Why would you do that, that's not funny, didnt your mum teach you not to play around with girls emotions".
"I'm sorry bebe-" He stood up and got under the comforter; holding it up for her to join him. "Your just so gullible".
She took off her jacket and slung it on the clothing rack before she joined him under the comforter, instantly wrapping her arms around his torso and snuggling into him.
"Well if you thought that would get you back into my good books; you're surely mistaken".
"Yeah, your body language definitely shows that".
"Shut up, I'm just cold".
"Yeah, let's stick to that lie". He sniggered. She growled. And they rode the rest of the night in silence; watching the movie and occasionally stealing glances at eachother whilst battling with their bubbling hormones.

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