Broken Mornings

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They woke up the next morning, Danielle lying on Tommy, who had somehow become shirtless in the middle of the night. Tommy had his arms wrapped around Danielle and she was deeply in sleep, in fact, she hadn't slept so well since the time she last saw Tommy. However, the peaceful sleeping didn't last for long, Tommy's eyes popped open and widened at his current position.
"Is this a dream?" he thought to himself realizing and taking everything in, Danielle looked so beautiful and peaceful when she slept. The way her hair fell over her eyes and how her body felt so calm. The moment was interrupted by the insistent ringing of Tommy's smartphone. Startled, he winced at the sudden interruption of the peace and jumped out of the bed to avoid the waking of Danielle.
"Is this Tommy Fury?".
"Yeah, and whose this".
"I'm Damien Princeton, CEO and Owner of WWE and Martial Arts, you're agent contacted me yesterday on your most recent fight with the previous gold belt occupant, and your victory against him".
"Oh... yeah, he said you were to ring me".
"I sure am, and I'm impressed, you son, has taken down one of the most globally successful professional fighters in the world and I've decided that I want YOU to be the face of the new 'WWE Fighter'".
"Great! But on one condition, to fully prove my doubts, I would need you to fly over to Russia for a six month training session in which you would need to be under high intensity training so I can fully examine you properly to ensure I have picked the right man for the cover".
"Six Months? But what about my family, friends... Christmas!".
"I'm sorry Tommy but this cover needs to published by January 1st, I need you on this training programme immediately with no visits and no wasted time, we have no time to spare... if this is a problem, I do have many other applicants that would accept this offer".
"No! No!'s fine, I guess I'll work something out".
"Great! I'll see you tomorrow, your flight leaves late tonight, I'll have my assistant send over the flight tickets".
"Buckle up, son, your in for the opportunity of a lifetime".
And with that, the phone line went dead. Glumly, he sighed and threw his phone onto the bedside table and looked over at the beautiful figure, still asleep underneath the sheets. Surely, he couldn't possibly leave her; not after, he just got her! Going away for six months would be such a strain on their relationship; and to put a strain on a relationship, when it's so new, so fresh. It would completely despicable. I can't keep something so big from her, I have to tell her immediately, I cant just leave without explanation! Gently, he climbed on the bed and called out her name twice before her eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light. When her eyes set upon him, a smile instantly, shone upon her face.
"Hey baby".
"Hi, handsome, what are doing up so early".
"I need to tell you something".
"Dont tell me you cooked breakfast, last time you did that, you burnt all the bacon".
"No, it's not breakfast, its serious".
"Oh, Okay" She sits up at the serious tone in his voice and the worried expression nurtured on his face. "What is it?".
"I got a call from Damien Princeton".
"From WWE?
"Well, what did he say?".
"Well, he said I get to be on the cover of 'WWE Fighters'".
"Wow, Congratulations!".
She threw her arms around him; kissing his neck as a way of showing her affection for her new-found news of his increasingly successful career. "Thank you... but there's something else". Immediately, she withdrew her face from his neck and stared questionably at him.
"He said I have to go to a six month training programme in Russia and if not I dont get the position and I really want the position but at the same time I dont want to leave you because I love you and we've only just got into a relationship and I meant it when I said I dont want anything to mess up our relationship and the timing is just so wrong but I HAVE to do it now, because he wants it published by January 1st and I cant say no, because it's the biggest opportunity of my career, but I can't focus without you so there's no point and i-".
"TOMMY!'re rambling"
"Do you really want this cover so bad?".
"And do you love me?".
She nods, exhaling through her nose and then climbing out of the bed.
"Wh-where are you going?" he reaches for her but she's too far away, now. She heads for her coat and he stumbles to his feet. "Dan!"
"I have to stay," she whispers. "And you have to go."
"Ever heard of long-distance relationships?" he tries, panic creeping into his voice. "Dan - please - let me write down my email and then you can email me every day."
Her eyes squeeze shut. "Tommy."
"Please," he attempts to take her hands in his again. "Please don't go. What about - about this?"
He gestures wildly between them, his breath hitching. She clutches her coat to her chest and wrenches her gaze to the window.
"I can't."
"I love you," he's crying. He's crying and she can't look at him. "I love you, I love you."
He's never, ever said it out loud before in such a desperate way- not once in seven years of knowing each other - and it propels her out of the door faster than any goodbye would have done.

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