Chapter II

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Here in prison there's another thing to be happy or sad about, the visitors, now there are some prisons that allow visits from a relative or someone close to the inmate, they sit in front of one another on a table or on a desk in between glass and speaking through phone, they have a few minutes to talk about things like life, business, etc., and why did I say sad ? well... not all of us have things like that to wait around for, 3 out of 10 convicts never have visitors for reasons so obvious, either too ashamed or too scared to visit here, and a few couldn't handle that kind of rejection so they took their lives into their own hands, yeah... what a sad way to go away, being forgotten or being outcasted by the ones you thought that will always be by your side until the bitter sweet end. I haven't had a visitor in years to be honest, but it didn't phase me at all, once in a blue moon I get letters from my family, so if it weren't for those I'd be in the other end of the rope hanging above somewhere. Speaking of visitors and years of having none, someone actually came, and that someone...

It's my younger brother Jason, born after me. "Hey Frank, How are you ?" said Jason, "I'm alright, heard you're workin as a waiter in a fancy restaurant" said Frank, "It's not that fancy, just the regular and not so messy place to eat" Jason, " Hey if it ain't messy, it is fancy" Frank, "I uh, heard about the...", "Around here, we call it the Big Day", interrupted by Frank, "Ok, so when is this...Big Day ?, you nervous ?" asked by Jason, "What's there to be nervous about ? I'm about to be free from this shit-hole, if there's anything I should be feeling about that, and that is happy" said Frank, "Yeah, hahaha, of course, anything you say big bro, we miss you yah know, me, mom, the others... I'll tell mom about that day..." said Jason, " Now you tell mom not to go weepy on my Big Day , if there's anything, she should be happy that I'm finally comin home" me smiling while telling Jason that, "Sure, whatever you say bro" replied by Jasoon. A few minutes passed him talking about his new job and I just sat there and listened, nodded, and replied with a question, then when it's about time to say goodbye, he hugged me so tightly and of course I hugged back, tears fell from my eyes from feeling that warm feeling from a family member, hey it's been years so can you blame me for being weepy about it ? The day went on so fast, that before I know it, it's night time already. So back here again on my thinking bed, seeing Jason really got me thinking about my childhood again, especially the time when he and I played together, inside the house, the garden, at school when school is out, rain or shine, day or night, there's just non-stop playing.

Now about our house back then, it was the tallest in town, 3 floors high, complete with a garden, backyard pool, and plenty of rooms, I did mention before that we were rich back then until my dad lost it all by gambling it away, but we still have our house and around that time dad had a job as a driver for delivering boozes, and mom sells clothes and eye wear, and an all-around mom, yeah it's not the high-life but it gets us through a day, good-ol mom, the best ever. During those days I just kept wondering how the furniture keeps disappearing, and some of them I saw being pulled out by some guys I never seen before, and it turns out, those were the payments or being sold by depths courtesy of our gambling and booze addict father.

Every night our father locks the front gate so that no one gets out and he is the only one with the key, and every night he comes home late and drunk, and even at home he drinks sometimes and sometimes has some friends over to drink with, to shut us up, he either bribes us with cash or scares us, yup, he was a hitter, women and children are no exemption, whenever he has a temper, he usually just drinks it away, or if we done something that displeases him, he grabs an object and hits us with it, belt, 2x4 stick, hanger, or just his fists or foot, as long as we behave the way he wants us to, its peace. There are times when he shows his good fatherly side like makes us slingshots, buys us bikes or scooters, or even cooks for us, but those events were once in a blue moon happenings, all in all, I hated him for that, especially on how he treats mom, like the one time they fought, he smashed the phone mom worked so hard on to get like it's just a piece of garbage, the fights always start with a third-party, and yes he does cheat on her. Our father, the spoiled monster who just isn't contented with what he has and never gives a shit, as long as he isn't bored cuz of that.

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