Chapter IV

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Another day another dirty laundry, oh I sure wish I could do other things like being the cook, I also love to cook, it's another guys way to spend his days relaxing, smelling something good, and it's a fun pass-time, I only did cooking duty for a few months in my long years being here, and ever since then I never made it back to kitchen duty, well... it must have something to do with joey's request back then to spice things up on the dishes I cooked for the guys that keeps us safe and the head hancho of the roof, well enough of that, atleast my work's about to be cut-short today cuz I was called out by the guard and said " Yoh Frank !, you have a visitor", like music to my ears, as I walked before the room I couldn't help but wonder who could it be.

"Hey Franky !", well if isn't my little brother Johnny with Stucy and Bonney, "Hey little guy, how are yah ?". "I'm good big bro, and you know what ?" and I said what back, "I'm a baseball player now and I'm the best in the entire school" said by Lil' Johnny, "That's so great lil bro", "Hey, when you get out, we can play all day and I'll never be tired" said by lil J, "That will be great lil johnny, that'll be great". The two older sisters just stared there and had a small tear while we talk, "Hey you two, are you just gonna stand there and weep all day or are you gonna give your big bro a hug ?". "Hehe, Of course not dummy" said by Stucy, and Bonney just felt silent and then " We miss you Frank...", now both got teary in front of me and went sobbing, "Oh now hey, there's no need for those water works now, come here", I hugged them both so tightly and they hugged back, just sobbing like there's no tomorrow, like a contagious cold, I started to do the same along with Johnny hugging our legs.

Like a breath of fresh air, seeing those three really took me back, when I was about to see them all together soon, they came by to visit me before I get to go home, what strange world we live in eh ? nothing ever works out the way we planned or thought, now seeing them also reminds me of what kind of brother I am or was, towards each of them, the things we did together, those happy times, the sad, the sneaky, and the tender moments with mom, oh how it reminded me, and especially towards my other brother, and I'm not talking about Jason, he was my other younger brother, named Benjie. Benjie is not the regular kid, in fact...he was special, a special child, I never knew what kind of thing he has, but he was not like other kids, he couldn't speak, and couldn't understand most of what others say to him, he goes to a special school where my mom works so that he gets better with communicating. As the oldest, I was always told to look after him while the grown-ups are away, but as a guy going through puberty, I still hadn't grasp the thing called responsibility, so I was really annoyed, and as a brother towards Benjie...well...I was the worst he could ever had, the reason why I say that is because... I sometimes when annoyed by the things he does, I just turn into like my old man and hit him, I leave the thinking and imagining to you on how bad of a brother am i towards him. Oh how I would love to apologize to him and beg for his forgiveness face to face, even in a way he could've understood, but it'll never happen...because he died.

Let me take you back at days before my High school Graduation, almost summer, and as a 16 year old smarty-pants, not much things were really on mind, all I planned on doing was spending my days at granny's house at the next town from ours, just layin, watchin cable TV, what can I say, I lived a boring teenage life. So I was busy stacking my house of cards and when I was about to finish, mom asks me to look after Benjie while she's away shopping at a thrift store for old clothes to sell, and I said " Sure mom", and a kiss to the cheek and "bye, be good to your brother, I love you", and there she goes. And as I was gonna go back to the room, what I saw was cards on the floor, a missing house of cards structure, and benjie, and I was like " BENJIE !!! NO !!, GO DOWNSTAIRS !!!", the frightened look on his face and rushed downstairs like I said, so I close my eyes and inhaled and exhaled to calm myself and just cleaned the messy demolished house of cards.

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