Chapter VIII

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Just a few more days before my Big Day and I'm very excited about it, me finally being free from this joint, but to be honest, I'm gonna miss this stinkin joint, the rickety bed, the tasteless food, the noisy neighbors, the stubborn guards, the poor warden who never seems to catch a break from joey's shenanigans, and most of all...the friends I made here during my time, Mikey and Joey. Mikey here I met during my first days in prison, he got all nosy about my life end we ended up talking to each other, he lived an honest life until he got his young girlfriend pregnant and those times were very difficult for mikey, no parents support, no degree, ain't nothing but his hands to do all sorts of work, even dirty ones, when he was about to become a father and needed the money for hospital payments, he done in a job that made him lots of cash involving dangerous drugs, yeah he got his girl through and had a baby boy, but only to see them for a couple of hours before he got arrested. Joey, the guy who could get you what you need for a small favor of his choosing, me and joey had a customer to salesman relationship and as time flew by I became a regular and he kinda liked hanging around with me, so it's safe to assume that me and him are pals now, before he came in here he was still a guy who could get things for you but not with favors, but with cash, the things he did for money were as dark and cruel as the maniacs you see on slasher movies and so I guess you know how he ended up here just with the things I mentioned he was doing, he got no family so all he earns goes to him alone and no one to miss him, when I ask him about his past he never answers, he just stood there and stay quiet for a second or two, but still he's a good friend to have here.

Me, mike, and jo are at the mess hall having lunch, as we sat down mike started going on about my Big day, "So frank, got anything in mind for your Big day ?, like fancy food or some other stuff ?" said by mike, "Ain't no plan other than going home and seeing my mom and siblings, that's all I need" said by me, "Ain't no better plan than no plan at all mikey right franko ?", said by joey then I said "Words to live by Jo...words to live by", "I know I asked this before but ain't you nervous frank ?", said by mike with a troubled expression, "I get to see the people who I care and love right ? what's there to be nervous about ?" said by me and mikey just nodded and grabbed something from his pocket "Here frank, I got ya something, it ain't much but a gift's a gift", he handed me Tabaco cigar and with a surprise reaction I said "What do I look like a gangster ?...but thanks mike", then mike said "No problem Franko", "Hey mike stop showing off, you're making me look bad" said by joey, "Why cuz you ain't got no present for frank over here ? hahaha" said by mike, then joey scoffed and said "As a matter of fact, my gift's in frank's' cell as we speak and it's gonna make your cheap tooth pick look like it just killed itself with envy", "Cheap !? do you have any idea what I've been through to get that ?" mad mike, then both stood and argued and me in the middle trying to break them off, then as it escalated mike grabbed a hand full of mash and threw it at jo but misses so he hit some guy with low tolerance, then that guy throws his whole tray at us and instead of hitting us, he hit other guys, and the cycle continued until the riot started, think of it as a Grown-up version of a Food fight but instead of students, it's us convicts and riots happen very rare in prisons and in this prison didn't have any since it's construction, fists, food, trays started flying around, the mess hall literally became a mess hall, talk about a farewell party sheesh, I would've settled for a cupcake with candles instead of punching some guy's lights out and being covered with someone else's lunch, then after a few minutes the guards showed up and that concluded my farewell party, mike and jo got solitary for that fiasco they started, and they will stay there until a day before my big day , so I'm glad they get to see me off, as I got back into my cell, I noticed a huge box on my bed and thinking this must be jo's gift, so I opened it and found a fancy suit with a small note, and it says "to look sharp on your Big day – Joey", it was a nice suit and I just smiled looking at it thinking now this will definitely make me look like a ganster.

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