Chapter X

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Today's the day, my Big Day, true to my word I never slept, so I unboxed joey's farewell present and the suit fitted like a glove, and it really made me look sharp, all it needed was a fedora and I will look like the next al capone hahaha, so I gathered my stuff, fixed up my cell and made my bed, boy the times sure do fly when you spend it in a place like this, not remembering much of the hard stuff that went by, only remembered the good stuff, looking at my cell right now, it felt like saying goodbye to an old friend, as I looked around I just smiled and even took a last look outside that small window looking pass the bars and just looked straight outside, looking at the morning sky....feels really refreshing.

As I stepped out of that cell, I felt like a freeman walking out from his cage, as I pass through I gave my goodbyes to the pals and they gave me theirs, mikey being the first to greet me since his cell was near mine "I'm happy for yah franko, I really am", then I said "You better be otherwise I'd stay and kick your sorry ass hhaha", mikey laughed and said "You couldn't even if you wanted to hahaha", we shook hands afterwards then someone called me... "Hey Frank !", joey called to me and I came closer, "Lookin sharp there Franko", then I said "You were the one who got me this so I have to look sharp", then he said "Now Aint that a fact hahaha...Good luck out there pal, me and the boys will miss your pranks", I laughed a bit and said "I'm just the guy who followed your calls" then he pulled out his hand and shook mine with a strong grip "See you soon" , the rest of the pals at the block, felt real good to know those guys, who would've thought that one of the most trusted pals could be found in a place like this hahaha, I guess it's true what they say that "they all come in different shapes and sizes", what a stroke of luck finding them here, it really made my time here feel easy, it was hard sayin those goodbyes, but it had to happen.

Passing through each room really brought some funny memories, especially with the warden's door hahaha, then the room I wanted to see... mom, Jason, bonney, stucy, and lil johnny right over there waiting for me, the moment felt like slow motion, as I go nearer and nearer, my heart raced like crazy and tears begin to fall from my eyes as I walked towards the people I care so much about, I hugged them all at the same time, a really big and warm hug and they all hugged right back, it was the greatest feeling I could ever feel, all of them wrapped around my arms, feeling their warmth, feeling their love, oh how I miss them so much, seeing them all at once really made me feel like I'm on cloud nine, then the moment got even  better when I heard a voice that wasn't theirs "hey!", I looked behind them and I saw her...Alyssa was there, she was there just standing and smiling there looking at us, then I said "Hey"...her expression on her face just changed in an instant, her eyes started leaking tears as if she was holding it back for a while, and she rushed to me with a warm embrace... then out of nowhere...she kissed me, I was caught off-guard and felt surprised and happy at the same time, it felt really good feeling her warm lips pressed against mine again...then I said "I'm glad you're here... I really am", then she said "I know dummy, what else would you feel after seeing us ?", the room just felt happy and there was nothing gonna take it away from me, "Franky !!", "hey lil johnny", then he said "I'm so happy you're coming home, finally", ... "Yes I am johnny yes I am... but there's one thing big bro has to do first ... so just wait outside with the others ok ?", then he said with a joyful expression "Yay alright big bro"...Jason, bonney, and stucy went outside with johnny to wait, mom and Alyssa were here...then the moment just felt silent... then I said " you better wait with johnny mom, you too Alyssa, one last thing to do before I'm out of here for good", then they just smiled and noded and gave me a hug...a really long one, Alyssa was the one still hugging me, and after she was done, she said "See you soon...", I just...smiled at her.

Now one last thing to do before I'm finally free, as I went to the other room I just held on to that blissful moment that happened a few minutes ago, just focusing on the smiles I saw and the warmth I felt from the ones I love, as I opened the door in front of me, there were two men were waiting for me, a funny looking chair, and a mirror, so they approached me and said "It's time", they strapped me in the chair and as they were doing that another man came into the room and the man was a priest, I could tell from one look at that collar he was wearing and the bible he was holding, the man started praying for me and I just focused on the good stuff... then I asked for the guys to reach into my pocket and grab mikey's gift and give it to me so I could smoke it, they accepted my request and even light it up for me, took a big whip at that piece and boy it tasted terrible, but a gift's a gift so I just ignored the taste, now if you're still wondering about my Big Day, make no mistake this is it, the name has two different meanings in here, one you be free alive or a dead man, me unfortunately being one of the ones being free as a dead man, i just feel really shitty about the lie I just said to johnny, he was still too young to understand so I had to make it up, I will be devastated if the last thing I did was made my younger brother cry right before I die, I do not want that... 

Now as they were gonna pull the switch on me, my life really just flashed right before my eyes, the times I felt really happy, the hardships I just went through, the challenging moments, the odd times, the times playing chess with marly, the pranks I pulled, my little brother benjie, my former best friend Ron, the times I almost killed someone, and that one time I killed granny...I guess what they say was right, life is one big roller coaster ride, there are its ups and downs, twists and turns, and somehow you're in it until the end of the ride, you just couldn't help but look back the the ride you went on, the experiences you gained, the breath taking moments, all of it with you just standing there and looking all of it and just acknowledging every moment, well right now, I was just about done with this ride as I look at the mirror right in front of me and me seeing the other guy about to pull down the switch.

Now that my ride was about to get to the end of the line, i wonder where am i gonna end up ?, am i about to see Ron and face his fury for ratting him out and to try have his forgiveness, or am i about to join my little brother benjie who i will beg for forgiveness for the rough times i gave him, i just couldn't shake this curiosity about whether there is a heaven or hell, like i said i'm a heavy thinker, and as thinking goes...i just couldn't get it out of my brain the tears my love ones are about to shed, the disappointment of lil johnny about to feel when he finds out that his big bro lied to him, the heavy heart mom is about to endure again for losing a second son, my other siblings tears and cries, Alyssa's cries even, i can only imagine the heavy feeling they're about to feel or feeling right this minute, i try so hard to not think about it but i couldn't, it's such a heavy feeling to make them sad right before i die, and I just couldn't shake this feeling of regret that I made that one decision that brought me here to this moment, and that was letting my anger get the better of me, but i just couldn't contain myself when lil johnny was hurt so bad, ... that night i didn't just kill granny, i killed another one, well I guess you could say...I killed me.


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