Riley, part one.

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"I swear I only had one shot!" Riley heard Tris yell.

"Then why the fuck did you just throw up all over my bathroom?" Ellie demanded.

It was nine a.m., and the gang were in Ellie's apartment after an EDM festival last night. Most of them, except for Tris, had a lot to drink. It was sort of understandable why Ellie was so moody that morning.

"I hope this isn't another pregnancy scare or I swear--" That was Mimi.

Riley decided to go downstairs to check on the girls. "Fuck off, out of my way," said Ellie, struggling to stumble out of the bathroom with a mop in her hand. "Good morning to you, too, Els," said Riley. "Alright, I got this. Go make breakfast."

Riley grabbed the mop from the already-passed out Ellie and scrubbed the mess off of the bathroom floor, then ran a bath for Tris. He then picked up Ellie, still passed out on the stairs. She started making a noise that seemed like she was going to throw up, so he rushed her to the bathroom upstairs. She regained consciousness, but only slightly. He ran a bath for her, too.

"Toby, wake up, you need to dress your girlfriend up. She's too wasted to move," Riley said, knocking on his door. Turns out, Toby was already awake and a little less hungover than Riley or Ellie. "I gotcha," he said.

Then Riley went down to check on Tris, who was now on her feet and on her way upstairs. "Morning," she said groggily as she kissed his cheek. "Will you be okay on your own?" he asked. Tris nodded and gripped on the handle as she climbed up. Mimi and Connor were helping each other set the table and prepare breakfast, so the only thing Riley was going to do was to sit down and wait for the food. He decided to tweet a candid photo of Connor and his girlfriend while he waits.

Once everybody was at least a bit more sober than before, they started to eat breakfast and talk about how great the night was. Everything seemed normal except for Ellie and Tris. Ellie was staring off into space and would only talk when she's being asked a question, while Tris was looking paler than usual. It's probably because of the throw-up episode earlier, but it had been half an hour. It suddenly made Riley a bit nervous. "I'll stay home. There aren't any major subjects today anyway," said Ellie. Riley shot a look at her. "That's the third time you've told us that this week, Els," he said. "She's just really tired. University can be tiring," Toby defended. "That's also the third time you've told us that this week, Tobes," Mimi pointed out. Without a response, Ellie took a wee bite of the warm pancake Connor prepared and went upstairs. Toby sighs and follows her. Once they were out of earshot, Tris pipes up, "I'm worried about Ellie."

"Me, too. She doesn't talk to us anymore," said Mimi.

"She hasn't said anything to you, has she?" asked Tris.

"No, and normally I'd think it's fine, but she wouldn't even look in my way anymore," Riley said.

"Same. And all she does is trap herself in her room even if Toby's around," Connor said.

"I caught him sleeping outside their door one night, I think they fought...I don't know..." Riley said, his voice trailing off.

"I think I'm going to work from home today," said Tris. Riley looked at her and reached for her hand. "Are you alright, baby?" he asked. Tris didn't answer. "Tris," he said. "I'm fine, I think," she finally replied. "I think I just need a little sleep, that's all."

Connor had to take Mimi to work that morning, and as much as Riley wanted to take care of an unwell Tris, she insisted that he head on to the studio to write some songs.

When he went to Ellie and Toby's room to get his brother, he noticed that the door was ajar. He saw that the two of them were asleep, and the room was a little cluttered. It smelled a bit like Ellie's Chanel perfume and alcohol. There were even a few bottles of vodka lying on the foot of the bed. A notebook, a glass of warm water and three bottles of medication laid on the night stand. Riley picked up the notebook out of curiosity and started to leaf through it. A couple of Toby's razors fell out of the pages, and as he picked them up, there were specks of blood on the edges.

1,825 days later; before you exit. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now