Ellie, part two.

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All Ellie had done that week was talk to her mom about how she was, and what else was going on with her life. They definitely had a lot of shopping trips and spa dates, but they had their share of Netflix stay-ins, too.

They were currently watching American Horror Story, the one with the freakshow in it. "Mama, it never occured to me that you look so much like Bette and Dot," said Ellie. Delia shot her a look. "Okay, if you had two heads," she said. "Maybe you should be Bette and Dot for Halloween this year!"

Delia let a hearty laugh. "So, Tris..."

"You'll have a granddaughter from a sister from another mister," Ellie said. "Jesus, Ellie, that was terrible!" her mother said.

A few more hours later, she fell asleep on her mom's lap. She woke up to her mother coughing up on the sink. "Mama?" she asked, grabbing her old shawl to put around her. It was the same shawl that Toby had put around her the first time he'd come over out of the blue to open up about his issues with Connor.

She reached the kitchen. She saw blood. A lot of blood.

"I should have told you," Delia said, struggling to hide the blood on the sink and around her mouth.

"No..since..since when were you sick? You're never sick! Never!"

"I should've told you the day I was diagnosed," she said. "Which was when?" asked Ellie. "Last year," Delia said, wiping the corners of her mouth with a wet towel.


"I'm sorry-you seemed so happy-"

"I wasn't. Mama, that's why I came home. To breathe, to take care of the both of us. Because you knew I was unhappy and I was on the verge of killing myself. Now what's the point of this, when I find out my partner in crime's not gonna be able to fight with me anymore?"

"I thought your partner in crime was Toby," said Delia.

"No, ma, he's my soldier. I'll never replace you," Ellie said.

"I'm going to radiation therapy this week because I'm on the stage that this-" she gestures to her whole body, pertaining to the cancer, "-cannot be removed surgically anymore."

"I have to stay," said Ellie.

"No, don't. You have your own life now," Delia said.

"No, no. I have to stay. I have to."


Ellie got the final word, and called her friends and Dr. Stinson that she'll be staying another week or so at her mom's. All of them agreed, but of course, being her other half now, Toby sensed something else.

"Baby, what's wrong?" asked Toby.

"I-I have to come right out and say it now, huh?" asked Ellie.

"That's how it works," said Toby.

So she told him. He told her to stay strong for the both of them. Little did she know all of them were booking a flight to Poughkeepsie.

One day after, Ellie heard the doorbell ringing. "I got it," she said, running downstairs.

She opened the door to see Toby.

And Riley.

And Connor.

Even Tris and Mimi were there.

She was at a loss for words. "Hi," said Toby. "Hi," said Ellie. Then she couldn't hold it in any longer. She went into his arms and cried.

1,825 days later; before you exit. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now