Riley, part two.

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It has been six months. Six months of something exciting for Riley, and six months of worrying about his own brother. Sometimes, he would feel as if he was aging everyday because of the constant worrying.

For six months their band, Before You Exit, had been out of the scene, although they released a couple of covers and a single. They announced that Tris was pregnant and that they would have to be on hiatus for a while until Tris was able to stand on her own feet again. It had also been six months since Riley had taken over Tris's job at Ridgeway so they wouldn't just rely on others for money, and he was surprisingly just as good as her at it.

"Riley," Tris called out of their room one Saturday morning. "We have an appointment today."

Riley stepped out of the office just across their bedroom and got ready, then helped Tris get ready for the doctor's as well.

The two of them were having a baby girl, and they had already decided on the name. "Abbey Kate," Tris suddenly blurted out one day. "I have no fucking idea where Abbey came from, but Kate was supposed to be my name when I was born."

Riley helped Tris get on the SUV, which got trickier with each month that passed by, because Tris was putting on more weight. It was a two hour drive each week of every month since October.

The sad thing was, since the whole suspicion with Ellie, Riley and Toby haven't talked since. Not unless they were working on a song or a cover. The fans noticed it, too. "You alright?" Riley asked. Tris nodded. "Have you taken Ellie to therapy?" she asked.

Despite Riley not talking to Toby that much, they had talked about Ellie's issues. "She's depressed. She's very good at hiding it, especially in front of a camera," Toby had said the day they opened it up. They agreed that they'd take turns in going to therapy with Ellie for her recovery. It's only been a month, so there were no real signs of progress yet.

Riley pressed his lips together before saying, "I will, later."

An hour into the drive, Tris had fallen asleep. Riley tried his best not to fall asleep, too, but he had to keep driving. For Tris. He had always known that he'd be where Tris was, and that he was prepared for anything that would happen to her or them. Although he hadn't expected to be a father at twenty-three, he still owned up to it like he should. He felt proud of himself for a little while. He'd feel a lot more proud of himself if he would just make up with his brother, though. He knew he was going to do it sooner or later.

Another hour passed, and they finally arrived at the hospital. "Babe, wake up," Riley whispered in her ear, gently shaking her. She slowly opened her eyes, still not failing to make Riley melt as she did. He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "Let's go," he said. He got out first, then helped Tris out of the car. "This is getting harder each time we go to the doctor's," Tris said, struggling to get out. "That's why I'm here," he said, gently taking Tris' arm around his neck and helping her down. "I love you," said Tris, kissing his cheek. "And I love you," Riley said, kissing her forehead. "I can't forget about my other princess, though," he said, pressing his lips to Tris' baby bump. She giggled and said, "What a cheese-fest we're becoming."

The baby was moving around more and Tris felt it kick twice. "She's either going to grow up as another Luke Hemmings, or be really good at taekwondo," said Tris. "At least we know that I don't have to kick anyone in the balls if any boy comes up to her in the future," said Riley. The doctor and Tris laughed. "Okay, you're baby girl's doing really fine! Her heartbeat is stable, and she is looking exceptionally beautiful, just like her mom," the doctor said. Riley smiled at Tris, who looked more than excited for the baby girl to come out. "You're almost out, princess, we can't wait to see you," Tris said.


Tris asked for Mimi and Connor's company while Riley comes over to Toby's apartment later on. It was already 12 noon, and Ellie's session was at 2.

He went up to the third floor and went left down the hall. Toby was already waiting outside of the door. "You know, I'd been thinking," he says, breath obviously reeking of cigarettes. "This girl is the only thing keeping us together." Riley had to agree. This was it. He was going to make up with Toby.

"Before you get Ellie out of bed to prepare for therapy, I just want to say something," he said as Toby was about to let him in.

"I'm sorry for being the suckish brother. I'm sorry for being too worried, but it did worry me a lot, okay? The past two months I'd been invading Ellie's privacy, but it was because I was so worried and suspicious and I was mad because you weren't doing anything. I was surprised even when you admitted that she was depressed. I was surprised you wanted me to call a therapist and help Ellie get better. I'm...I can't say anything else...I'm just really sorry."

Toby was trying to keep himself composed, but he couldn't. "Riley.. I'd been a shittier brother. Keeping these things from you, being angry at you. It was wrong, I thought I could stop it myself until I saw she cut while running a bath. I can't do anything anymore. I don't see her anymore. I want her back. I know it's not too late, that everything will get better, everything will be okay." Tears were running down his face and Riley swore he saw the first time Toby fell off his bike when they were little. He couldn't control it anymore, so he hugged his brother. They were like that for a whole minute when Toby pulled away from his brother's arms. He wiped his tears off his face and said, "Wow, that was really clichè." Then they laughed like normal.

And just like that, everything was alright again. The only thing they all needed to fix was Ellie.

1,825 days later; before you exit. (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now