You're a Silly Boy, Finnie

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Here is another update. Some texting and some flirting and a close call at the end. Onto the story!

You say you don't believe
Well could you just look at me
Look deep into my eyes, my love

Well have you ever been in love?
Have you touched the soul of someone?
Or did the fear inside you make you turn and run?


You sure you haven't seen him?" Caleb asked one of the crewmen working on the Sauna set.

"Nope," the older male replied as he organized the props. "Haven't seen him. Sorry."

Caleb sighed but nodded. "Thanks, anyway." He walked back out to the front of the building, meeting up with the rest of the gang.

"Well?" Sadie asked, eyeing the boy expectantly.

"No one in there has seen, Finn, either."

The redhead groaned. "This is getting ridiculous. He couldn't of just run off. I mean, he can't even drive yet and his brother's not here, so where the hell would he go?"

Millie drew her gaze away from the group, scanning the parking lot, idly watching as a car pulled out onto the nearby road.

"What are you looking at?" Noah asked.

"Cars," she answered simply, then turned back to Caleb. "You said no one knew where Finn was, right?"

"Yeah?" Caleb said. "Why?"

"What about Shawn?" Millie offered. "Do they know where Shawn is?"

"They probably do," Caleb replied turning back before tossing over his shoulder, "Wait here, I'll go find out."

The rest of the group waited, perking up as the oldest teen returned.

"Well?" Sadie asked.

"Shawn went to the mall set to film today," Caleb answered. "Most of the crew went with him."

The redhead looked over to Millie, understanding lighting up between them. "You think Finn..."

"Went to the mall set, too," Millie finished for her. "It's highly possible. Joe and Maya are there and he's very close to them. Plus Gaten is there as well." An idea came to her then and she took out her phone, scrolling down her list of contacts before pressing on Gaten's name.

Sorry to bother you, Gaten,

but is Finn there?

Millie hit send, unsure whether he would reply, given the chance he was shooting a scene and she nearly jumped as her phone vibrated in response. She looked down, the tension in her body releasing and she let out a relieved breath at Gaten's answer,

Yeah, he is. Chatting with

Maya right now. Why didn't

the rest of you slackers come

to visit?

She typed back quickly,

Sorry, Gaten. We would

have gone with Finn but

he left without telling us.

She paused and bit her lip before adding,

Is he okay?

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