Was It Real or Just a Dream?

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Here we are again with another update. 

Finn is still training and learning but hasn't begun shadow work yet and a spooky event happens that gives him the drive to succeed with the odd stacked against him.

We get to see what Millie's been up to and how her dream may have been more than it seemed. Then of course her birthday and how that all goes... and also how she deals with unwanted attention.

Finn also has a present he's made for her that will affect her greatly.... eh heh... speaking of which...

Warning! The last section of this features brief but strong sexual content of the descriptive variety (phone sex.) If you don't like such things, then by all means skip it. If you do like it, well... let me know if you wish for me to continue to add it into the story.

Onto the story!

Oh, my life
Is changing everyday
In every possible way

And oh, my dreams
It's never quite as it seems
'Cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me


February 19, 2020

Finn woke up to darkness, as was the usual case this time of the year. Today however, was a special day... Millie's birthday and though he couldn't be with her in body, he could be with her in spirit.  Or at least with his voice.

He hit her contact number, knowing she was still asleep and unable to answer so he lifted the phone up to his ear, waiting for the voicemail chime then spoke in a cheery tone just for her,

"Happy 16th Birthday, Mills! I know you're still sleeping and I'm about to head out for a long trail run in the dark but I promise to give you a present later tonight when we talk. Remember that this is your day to celebrate so have fun, okay? Love you, beautiful one!"

Finn hung up then plugged the phone into the charger.

Tossing off his night shirt, the teen opened the top middle drawer of his dresser, pulling out a light blue cold gear long sleeve shirt and stuffed it over his head, finding a bit of comfort at the way the fabric clung to his skin.

He then stripped down to his skivvies, grabbing a pair of thermal socks that matched the blue hue of his running tights and put them on in turn. Next came a pair of black wind pants then his shoes.

Finn stepped out of his bedroom, heading to the coat rack to snatch up his blue Patagonia Houdini jacket and matching blue cap. A pair of gray and blue striped wool gloves completed his ensemble and the teen stepped outside, finding Aatu already waiting for him, the instructor's red Yeti mountain bike visible in the darkness.

The blond noticed the foot gear Finn was wearing and called out in a cheerful voice, "Good morning, Finn! I see you are ready to run but I have a special course for you, today, so you should change into your trail running shoes."

Great. Finn groaned inwardly. Trail shoes meant hill running, something he hated to do. Still he made no complaint, giving a nod as he spoke. "I'll be right back."

He returned a moment later sporting black shoes with a yellow tread and the two males headed off into the wilderness.

Finn kept his pace steady, breathing in and out properly as he'd been taught.

Puffs of vapor escaped his mouth, though his body remained warm. He'd become acclimated to the cold after all.

The darkness above was rapidly fading, giving way to daylight, illuminating his surroundings.

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