The Gith Part Two

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Here we are with another update. After this it will be all Fillie with naughty time of course... and probably story time as well as we catch up with what they've been reading together. But for now we've got to get through episode six.

Warning: Sexual situations are present at the end between Mike and El and while it's naughtier than what I've wrote for them before, it is still no where near as detailed as for Finn and Millie. Again, consider any sexual action to be unedited and bonus footage that would not show up in the episode itself. It would cut out once they started making out.

Onto the chapter!

You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little
Tease a little more
Easy operator come a knockin' on my door
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
Give a little more


December 20, 1987 12:00 pm Steve's Apartment

Nancy sat at the small dining room table, notebook and pen in front of her. She waited quietly, waiting for Steve to return with lunch for everyone, turning her head as the apartment door opened, a flash of surprise crossing her face as Robin stepped inside.

She has a key does she? Interesting, Nancy thought, trying to suppress a smirk as the blonde headed towards her.

"Hey Nancy," Robin greeted with a half smile. "I see you got here early." She looked around, trying to keep her voice nonchalant as she asked, "Where's Steve?"

"He went to pick up from sandwiches and soup from the deli. Should be back soon."

Robin nodded, sliding out of her winter jacket to reveal an evergreen colored cable sweater that lightened the black jeans that she wore. She pulled out the chair to Nancy's left, wrapping the coat around the back before sitting down then asked, "So...Was your brother able to tell you what the red lines were?"

"He was, yes," Nancy replied but did not elaborate. "How about you? Did you and Steve find anything about the Durands or the Blanchleys?"

"We did," Robin affirmed. "But I'll wait for Steve to return before we talk about that."

Nancy smiled at the pleased tone in the blonde's voice when she mentioned Steve. "You two make a good pair, you know that, right?"

It seemed like an innocuous statement, Robin knew, yet she felt a bit of heat flare in her cheeks. "Uh, you mean team, right?"

The brunette tilted her head, catching the slight tint of pink spreading across the Blonde's face. "Would you find me prying if I meant it literally?"

Robin fidgeted in her seat. "We're just best friends and partners on the same beat... nothing more than that..."

Nancy wasn't convinced. "Then why are you blushing?"

The policewoman frowned. "I'm not blushing. And I certainly wouldn't blush about Steve. He's..."

"Handsome, charming, funny, and brave," Nancy interjected then continued, "He's protective and loyal to a fault sometimes, but all around a great guy. What's not to like?"

A tinge of jealousy spiked in Robin's heart. She's gushing about him like a girl with a school crush. "Then why did you dump him?" she asked, wincing internally at the slip up. Nice going, Robin. Put your foot in your mouth why don't you?

The brunette's eyebrows shot up at the question though she answered smoothly enough. "Steve and I... just weren't right for each other.I mean, sure we had fun and he was rather... enthusiastic in physical matters..." Nancy paused, choking back a chuckle at the darkening red blooming across Robin's face. "But I just wanted...something... different I guess. Besides, I've got a feeling Steve's not going to be single for much longer."

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