The Hellfire Club Part 1

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Here we are with the beginning of the ST arc of my story.  I don't know how long this arc will take as I will have to split up chapters to equal an episode. I will try to make it as mysterious and exciting and dangerous as I can (with Mileven romance as well.)

There is no Fillie in this chapter, though most likely I will begin to incorporate it to some extent in the remaining chapters for the ST arc. Expect Mileven though... a rather heavy dose of it once El travels to Hawkins to stay with Mike and his family.

As this takes place in 1987, two years have passed since the mall incident and El has spent time at the Wheelers, so Karen and Ted have been around her several times already, hence the familiarity in the beginning of this chapter.

There will be some references here and there  you may or may not pick up on (that's kind of part of the fun, yes?) Some things will be obscure but point to my own favorite things from the detective genre (can anyone guess where I put the first one?)

Also all music for the ST chapters will be from the year 1987, because that's just ST tradition!

Okay, enough chit chat, let's begin my version of ST 4, shall we?

Baby make a speech, Star Wars fly
Neighbors just shine it on
But if a night falls and a bomb falls
Will anybody see the dawn

Time, time

It's silly, no?
When a rocket blows
And everybody still wants to fly
Some say a man ain't happy, truly
Until a man truly dies
Oh why, oh why, Sign O the Times


The shadow drifted slowly above the forest of rot, surveying his latest masterpiece.

Where once was light there was now dark. But still it did little to sate his appetite for life.

He could not create.... only corrupt... twisting and spewing ash...consuming all in his path, unleashing a tidal wave of smoky darkness that choked out the sun, robbed the air, and eradicated most sentient life.

The creature was the deliverer of retribution and the god of desolation.

That was his purpose.

To conquer and remake the world in his image.

Mortals were weak things... vain creatures... easily tricked...easily used and discarded... It brought the being delight to torment and overthrow the weak willed minds of the cattle, for it proved his superiority over them... and gave him even more power as he fed on their negative thoughts and experiences.

Any defiance was always met with swift punishment.

Until now.

In the dozens of planes of existence prior to the discovery of the new world, none had stood in his way.

Every dimension had fallen with little resistance... They had not the foresight nor the ability to defend against him.

But the new world... it was unique and filled with power.

Power to move things.... to reject.... to bring to life death itself... to listen without hearing... and to talk without speaking... to deceive the eye into seeing what could not be seen and hide that which could be. To harness the power of nature itself.

And he feared them and feared the mindless for he could not understand nor control them.

But for all his fear, they did not hurt him... not like fire and water could.

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