a metaphor for love

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a/n: lmaooooo here we go again I guess. This is actually not that shitty today though


Soon as we boarded the plane Eggsy hammered us with the information he somehow accrued in Arthur's final moments. If I had had any questions before they were suddenly gone. Everything was falling into place. And a sense of urgency kicked in almost instantly; I felt as if the plane couldn't move fast enough. 

Even now, as I sit with Eggsy and Roxy, the tension in the plane is palpable. Merlin has barely said a word since hearing Eggsy's report. He instead chose to ignore our questions and dump a large and clunky shaped bag at our feet and head straight back into the cockpit. 

Roxy and I stare at the bag in silence, trying to fathom what could possibly be inside it that is so useful. From the looks of its shape it's not a singular object, possibly weapons lazily thrown into a bag? Or perhaps it's parts of something bigger. 

Eggsy, however, decides he's had enough of the staring, and pulls open the drawstring, pulling out a large metallic pole. There are holes down the side of it that confirm that the item is in fact a part, made for something bigger than itself. 

He stares at it almost in disgust. "What the fuck is this?"

"I have no idea." Roxy stares at it. 

I stay silent. 

Merlin walks back into the room and gives us all a knowing grin. "What you're all looking at is a prototype personal trans-atmospheric vehicle. It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic, but it should still work." 

I lean back in my seat and look at him expectantly. "So what's the plan?"

"We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites. We're gonna break the chain, stop the signal. It'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it, which buys us enough time for you two to get me into Valentine's mainframe so I can shut it down."

I nod, and in the corner of my eye I see Eggsy do the same. 

Merlin looks at Roxy. "Lancelot, you'll be using it. Get into your halo suit."

Roxy swallows nervously and turns almost robotically in the direction of the change rooms. Merlin gestures for Eggsy and me to follow him to his desk. Sitting on it is the implant Eggsy pulled from Arthur's neck. Traces of blood still tarnish the twisted metal tracker and run down the short connection cables. 

Merlin grabs it and holds it up to the light. "It seems the implant can emit some kind of counter signal to ensure the wearer remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards."

"The waves that turn everyone into a psycho killer." Eggsy says bluntly.

I raise an eyebrow silently.

"Quite. But what he probably didn't tell anyone is it can also super-heat their soft tissue at his command. Valentine selected his chosen few to get the countdown warning, but he had to be sure they didn't blab to the wrong people beforehand."

"Makes sense." I nod. "Can't have the whole world figuring out what's really going on."

"How does this help us right now?" Eggsy demands.

"It doesn't." Merlin states. 

Roxy comes wandering out the change rooms slowly, looking pale as sheet. 

"Ready?" I try asking comfortingly. 

She nods stiffly.

Fifteen minutes later we've landed not far away from Valentine's safe house and Roxy is debriefed and ready to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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mission thirty nine ~ eggsy unwinWhere stories live. Discover now