Chapter Seven: Nine-Thirty

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March 16, 2015

     With every pour of another coffee concoction, my mind becomes more absent from my job and more focused on whether or not Liam texted me back.  I texted him right before I left for work and I haven't checked my phone since.  I even put it on silent because I got so nervous, but at the same time, and for the first time, I've been counting down the clock till my lunch break every five minutes.  I mean, what is even wrong with me?  It's like I've become an imposter of myself.  And it's just not me who notices, everyone else does too, unfortunately.  To the customers, I look like I hate my job, and to my co-workers, I look like I've had a freaky Friday experience.  Just an hour ago, José asked me if I had gotten into a fight with Zayna.  I can't blame him for asking since my everyday work mood, chilled and neutral, has been replaced with finicky nerves and an absentminded and melancholic attitude.  I don't know why I can't shake this feeling; I'm never like this, and it's seriously starting to annoy me.

     "You sure you okay?" Ashlyn asks me once I pass another drink to another customer.

     "Yeah," I turn around, trying to give the best smile I can muster.

     "Really?  Because you've messed up three orders today, and that never happens to you,"

     "We all have our off days," I shrug, walking away.

     "Perri, they were lattes, and you made them Frappuccinos."

     Now I'm even more annoyed with myself.  I let out an annoyed groan like a whiny twelve year old as my shoulders fall in defeat.  Well, I definitely suck at being nonchalant.

     "Is everything alright between you and Zayna and Hayes?"

     "What?  Yeah, everything's great with them.  They're not the issue."

    "Oh, so this has to do with Napkin Guy?" Ashlyn waves her hand around me, pointing out the fact that I'm a completely different person right now.

     Yeah, there's no way I can lie my way out of this one.

     "Yes," I moan then give a heavy sigh, "I texted him this morning,"

     "Oh wow, really?" Her shock makes me feel worse, "And he hasn't responded yet?"

     "That's the worst part, after I sent the text, I freaked out and put my phone on silent and stuffed it in my purse.  I haven't checked it since.  I'm waiting for my lunch break.  And that's why I've been so out of it today, my mind's been so preoccupied with the what ifs.  It's irritating."  I groan again.

     "You know what that makes you?"

     "A chicken?"

     "Normal," Ash laughs.  "It's completely normal to feel scared after texting a boy.  I remember the first time I texted a boy in high school, hey what's up.  I was terrified and excited at the same time.  But so was every other girl in school who had a boy's number."

     "Did he reply though?"

     "Twenty minutes later," she gives a reassuring smile.

     "And what happened?"

     "Uhh..." her smile falls into a panicked look,  "he uhh..."

     "Oh that makes me feel secure in my decision for sure," I roll my eyes.

     "Okay, one, that was high school, and boys were weird and wishy-washy.  So nothing happened between us after we texted for a few weeks," she shrugs, "but now is different.  Especially for you in your case.  This is young adult life stuff.  And Napkin Guy is ten times the guy Ron was."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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