Desire: Minhwa *M*

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"Settle down children," the Omega chuckles, sitting a young one year old in the play pen with the other three small babies. Everyone had just had a nap, and they were all wired with energy and wanting so desperately to play.

"I go outside?" An adorable three year old asks, nodding as if she is telling him to say yes.

"Soon baby girl," the Omega smiles, kissing her soft head.

A trumpet sounds in the distance, one blow means wolves are back. Two means there are people at the border whom aren't members of the pack, passing through or visiting. Three blows... three blows means every Omega and child needs to be somewhere safe. Enemies are near.

But only one blow this time, meaning night shift patrol is back and switching to day shift patrol. The Omega watches as men break through the trees wearing basketball shorts. Some have T-shirt's and some are just in basketball shorts and no shoes. One caught his attention, and before he can look away he sees the Alpha look directly at him. He curses, looking away and going back to focusing on the children, "Who wants to go play?"

"Me!!" Almost a chorus of tiny voices call out, everyone wanted to play after they had their naps.the team of four Omegas gather the ten children they had, making sure to put their shoes on and little jackets since it was a bit chilly outside. The group of children they're all in charge of, their age ranges from a few months old, to three or four years old.

Once they're outside, they take notice instantly of the Alphas who just got back from nights patrol. There were only six, but the children squealed and wiggled to go see them. The Omega, Seonghwa, being the head teacher looks at his assistants, "Go ahead and let them see them, I know a couple of them are their father's."

The assistants nod, letting the children free and a couple run to the play ground while a couple run to the Alphas. One of the little babies that aren't even a year old yet, watches with wide eyes as the Alpha that Seonghwa was watching this morning walks over. The little baby grins, shying away in Seonghwa's chest and the Omega giggles.

The Alpha smiles, "Minha? Song Minha?" The baby grins, cooing adorably and the Alpha chuckles, "Hi baby girl! Did you miss big brother?"

"Oh you're her brother?" Seonghwa smiles, the baby making grabby hands for the Alpha and he takes her in his arms.

"Yeah, mom got remarried and had more pups with her new husband," the Alpha replies, kissing Minha's cheek, "I spoil her rotten like she's my own."

"She has your eyes," Seonghwa points out.

"Mother's eyes," the Alpha smirks, looking at Seonghwa and taking notice of how gorgeous this Omega is, "I'm Song Mingi, night patrol Alpha."

"Park Seonghwa, daycare teacher," he giggles, looking around at the other children who were either playing or were bonding with their fathers. Luckily he had three older hands to help watch these children. An older Alpha comes walks over to Mingi, putting his hand on his shoulder, "We gotta go, first morning reports remember?"

Mingi nods, handing his little sister over to Seonghwa and kissing her cheek before winking at Seonghwa, "I'll see you around Park Seonghwa."


That wasn't the last time Seonghwa had seen Mingi. The second time he had seen the other, it was again time for play time when they had finished patrol. Mingi came right over to his sister that was in the hands of one of the helpers, then looked around for the platinum blonde hair.

When he caught sights of Seonghwa, he was watching a few of the kids as they swing on the swing set. He makes his way over to the blonde who was watching four children by himself, he smiles, "Park Seonghwa."

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