Love Bites: Woosan *M*

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In all of his 400 years, Wooyoung has never met anyone as passionate, caring, loving, sweet, funny, slightly serious, cute...... and annoying... than his boyfriend Choi San. They have been together ever since San turned sixteen, and it was the happiest time Wooyoung has felt close to being alive.

Wooyoung was turned into a vampire when he was nineteen, making him freeze at the age and look as young as ever. Back then, he has fought wars, he has participated in leadership groups, he has loved many and lossed many. Lived through famines, illnesses, in many countries, but none have come close to making him feel like San has for the three years they have been together.

Wooyoung was at the position in life he didn't care before he had met San. He usually slept with people and killed them off when he was done. He didn't have any uses for them after, and their blood was tasty when their adrenaline was high after sex. It made the blood sweeter and Wooyoung loves sweet things.

However, the night he met San, he changed. They were at a party, Wooyoung sharing a joint with his other vampire friend Mingi and his mate Yunho, when he made eye contact with San. At the time, he was hungry and wanted San for himself, but once they locked themselves in a room and shared a joint together, Wooyoung changed his way of thinking.

After a year of dating, he came clean to San and the boy was surprisingly okay with it. He just shrugged and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's slim waist, whispering in his ear, "You're still my beautiful Wooyoung."

San was sixteen when they met. San was seventeen, almost eighteen when he learned Wooyoung was a vampire. At the legal age, San gave his virginity to Wooyoung, and now at the age of nineteen, San surprised Wooyoung with a new request at their shared apartment.

"I want to be with you, forever," San spoke one night, playing with Wooyoung's blonde hair as they didn't even pay attention to the drama playing on the tv.

Wooyoung frowns, "What do you mean? I'm staying with you as long as you live."

"No," San holds his hand and links their fingers together, "I meant, I want to be like you. I want you to change me."

Wooyoung doesn't say anything as he stands and heads to the door. San stands as well, following him, "Babe?" Wooyoung continues to ignore him, putting on his combat books and grabbing his blue jean jacket. San grabs his hand, "Babe. What did-"

"I'm not changing you," Wooyoung interrupts, "I don't change people. I can't handle the pressure and the stress of ruining someone's life if I change them!" He exclaims loudly, "I'm not going to ruin your life and make you walk around the earth for all eternity like me!"

He jerks his arm out of San's hold and leaves the apartment quickly, not giving San a chance to say anything before he's gone.


"I don't know what to do hyung," Wooyoung sighs sadly, taking the glass of finely aged wine from Hongjoong. He has wines from the 1700s he's never touched, only for special occasions. Today, this called for some of that special wine.

Hongjoong sits beside Wooyoung, downing his glass instantly where as Wooyoung just takes a small sip, "How long have you been with this human? I didn't think you liked that lifestyle?"

"Darling," Seonghwa sighs, siting by Hongjoong and brushing his hair behind his ear, "We've tried to get him to find someone for centuries, and now that he has, he leaves when the mention of your kind gets brought up," Seonghwa scolds Wooyoung who just rolls his eyes.

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