Hogan: Woohwa

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"Hwa, we need to rest," the Omega calls from behind him, holding his large six month baby belly, "My feet are killing me."

"Youngie we need to keep pushing forward, I'm sure we'll find a spot around here somewhere that we can claim for ourselves," The alpha replies, taking his Omega's hand and kissing his temple, "Can you make it 'til sunset?"

The Omega, Wooyoung, sighs, rubbing his belly and pouting slightly, "Yeah... I'm kind of hungry too."

The alpha, Seonghwa, sighs in defeat, smiling at the Omega as he kisses his forehead, "We'll camp here for the night. But we must cover at least another ten miles tomorrow baby."

"I know," the Omega whimpers, "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault," Seonghwa whispers, cupping the Omegas face in his hands as he makes him look him in his shocking blue eyes, "This is all me. It's my fault we got rejected."

Seonghwa helped Wooyoung set up their sleeping bags and blankets, the alpha keeping an eye out for anyone near the area. This area was claimed already, and he really didn't want to get in a brawl with another alpha and ran off the territory.

Seonghwa has been an alpha rogue for over a year now, all due to being rejected for his status. Many people didn't think he was an alpha, looking at him and seeing some of the ways he did things, you would think he was an Omega. After his status was rejected by the head alpha, he was chased out of his pack and out of the territory, the head alpha claiming him to be a rogue.

Over his adventure to find his own land, he ran into his mate, Wooyoung when the Omega was hunting. He too was surprised that the older was an alpha, but he didn't think nothing of it. Wooyoung went into an unexpected heat, and Seonghwa ended up claiming him as his own. This angered Wooyoung's head alpha and they both were chased away from the territory.

After a month of traveling together, Wooyoung senses his pregnancy. And now the need for a new territory was more urgent, especially when the birth of the baby is expected within the first snowfall of the year.

Seonghwa keeps a close eye on his mate, watching as he made their beds by conjoining their sleeping bags and blankets. The alpha smiles, knowing he's going to have to go hunting for them soon, "Do you think you can build a fire while I go hunt?"

Wooyoung nods, standing and wincing as he stretches his back. Seonghwa stands and comes over to him, placing his hands on Wooyoung's hips and massaging his thumbs into his lower back. The Omega moans, tilting his head back on his Alpha's shoulder, "Thank you baby."

Seonghwa chuckles as he continues to massage, "It's the least I can do for you. You are after all carrying my pup."

Wooyoung smiles, humming as they stay like that for a bit before Seonghwa sighs, "Let's get busy before it gets dark."


They headed out the next morning like always, Wooyoung having some difficulty with his swollen ankles and feet. Until one day, they come across a clearing with about ten acres of clear land. Seonghwa told Wooyoung to stay put as scouted the land, and when he came back he smiles, "How do you feel about this being our new home?"

Wooyoung smiles back cupping his mate's face with his hands and kissing him softly, "I love it, it's perfect," he places a hand on his belly and Seonghwa does so as well. Their child kicks furiously and Wooyoung giggles, "She agrees too."

Seonghwa chuckles, kissing Wooyoung before backing away, "Let me go scout the area, care to build us a fire and I'll hunt while I'm out?"

Wooyoung nods, smiling as he rubs his baby belly. Once Seonghwa shifts and was out of sight, he sighs, beginning to build the fire and make their camp for the night. He hoped this spot was okay, they really needed to settle down before the baby came...

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