Fairy Baby : Yunjoong *M*

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Yunho ran through the forest on the island of Utopia, panting hard and looking over his shoulder within every five seconds. He dashed past tree after tree until he finally came across one that was hallow inside and slide into it.

He pants for air when he first gets to the tree, but then covers his mouth when he hears the twigs snapping in the distance behind him. He froze as the twigs snapping and the leaves crunching grew closer, little flutters of fairy wings flap furiously as his opponent enters the area he was in, "Yunho? Yunhooooo?" The twinkling voice called.

Yunho's face breaks out into a large smile as he hid, making sure to hide real still to not be caught so easily. Suddenly, the tree he was residing in began to split open more behind him. The crackling and groaning of the wood was loud as it bent and pulled itself open. Yunho backs out of his hiding hole when he realizes that he's being exposed, backing up away from it.

He backs himself into another tree when the one he was hiding in stopped its movements all together and silence once more filled the air. That is, until Hongjoong felt something tap his shoulder and screamed, turning to face his opponent.

The silver haired fairy was in his full sized human form, hanging upside down on the tree branch near Yunho. His blue eyes shone brightly as he smiles, waving his dainty fingers. Yunho knee he was giggling but couldn't hear a thing.

When fairies were in their human form, they cannot speak. Mostly it's because their forms can't catch up to the transformation, making their voices so soft that it can only be heard with super sonic hearing. So when they transform into their life size human form, they are practically mute until they transform back into their tiny, fairy form. And their voice is as loud as any human beings.

"Hongjoong! That's cheating!" Yunho stomps his foot, pouting adorably as he narrows his eyes at the fairy that was hanging upside down right in front of him.

Hongjoong's shoulders shook slightly, indicating he was giggles as he flips himself out of the tree upright again. He turns to Yunho with a large smile, mouthing to him, "I'm sorry."

"Uh huh sure you are," Yunho chuckles, sighing dramatically as he sees the sun is in midday position. He still needed to gather fruit and other supplies for dinner.

Hongjoong cups Yunho's face in his hands with the same dazzling smile, leaning up and kissing the tip of Yunho's nose before pulling away. Right before Yunho's eyes, Hongjoong shrinks himself into his true form, the fairy sighs loudly, "Come on," Hongjoong's tiny voice twinkles out as his wings flutter him over to stand on Yunho's shoulder, "Lets get what we need to get and go home."

Yunho chuckles, walking down through the trees with Hongjoong back to his "home." To Yunho, it was his home, he's been here for as long as he can remember. He didn't remember his parents, his old life, all he has ever known was Utopia.

And Hongjoong.

The fairy has been with him since day one, looking as if they each haven't aged a day while being in Utopia. He was his best friend, his lover... everything Yunho ever needed, Hongjoong was there to assist him.

They pick fruit and some growing vegetables as they make their way home, so by the time Yunho makes it there his arms were full of ingredients. Dinners haven't been easy, he had to learn how to cook himself and for Hongjoong since he didn't want to be rude and not offer the other food.

Hongjoong flutters to the floor, and with a little fairy dust he was back to his human size. He smiles, helping take some ingredients from Yunho and begins to put them away. Life with the fairy has been... absolutely perfect.

They easily moved through the small space to cook, Yunho had some fish stored away so they cooked those on an open fire. As they cook, Yunho easily gets lost in Hongjoong's beauty, the fairy's striking white hair framed his sharp face and jawline, his large blue eyes practically twinkled in the firelight.

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