Black Cat : San

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San cradles the child close to his chest, his eyes darting back and forth as he looked for danger while his mate leads the way to safety. Their clan was just attacked by wolves, for years they have kept the peace with a neighboring wolf clan until here recently when word of the head alpha has been slayed by a new heir.

Being the only black panther in a clan of leopards, San knew he was the most in danger and would be viewed as a prize for not only the wolves, but to hunters and bears as well.

The child in San's arms whimpered as he peeks to view their surroundings, "Mommy where are we?"

"We're going to find a new home baby," San assured his child, kissing his tiny forehead before looking at his mate, "How much farther Seung?"

"We'll get there soon," his mate gruffs, feeling on edge from the stress of finding a new place for them to rest their heads. He was the only strong one between the two, wanting nothing more than to protect his small family.

"Maybe we should stop," San suggests, "Take a break. Han is getting antsy and I know you're getting frustrated-"

"If we stop here we risk being found," Seung growls slightly, "The wolves could be right behind us right now, and stopping will make them gain an advantage to finding us quicker."

"Mommy I'm hungry," Han whines slightly, pulling his mother's shirt down slightly.

San sighs softly, adjusting his son and lifting the shirt to let his son latch. He may not be quite 3 yet, but his child was still a growing cub and needed his mother's milk. Although his milk supply was starting to dry slightly, hearing his child is hungry seemed to trigger his body to produce just enough to help bide his child's hunger for now.

Han suckles softly, curling more into San while the panther looks to his mate, "He's getting tired. I know you are too my love."

Seung huffs, "San we're still in danger-"

"We'll be more in danger if we don't stop and we keep traveling while tired. We need a break," San's gaze softens as he cups his mate's cheek with one hand while the other arm cradles his son, "Please."

Seung sighs in defeat, nodding, "Alright, I'll go hunt if you will get a fire going. If you're going to be feeding him you need nutrients as well."

His mate smiles softly, leaning down to connect their lips together gently before Seung brushes his nose against San's temples and neck. He scents him, and pretty soon San smelt more like his mate than himself. Seung kisses the mark he placed on San's neck when they mated, sending pleasurable waves through San's body.

The panther hums, closing his eyes before smiling slightly, "Now now, we must behave ourselves."

Seung chuckles, "Alright. I'll go hunt our dinner and then we can get a little bit of sleep. But as soon as we wake up first thing tomorrow we're leaving. Alright?"

"Yes my love," San smiles, his dimples creating craters in his cheeks. Seung backs away from his mate and child, stripping off his clothing to shift into his beautiful leopard speckled coat.

Seung purrs softly as he turns his back to his family and disappears into the bushes. San finished feeding Han and got to work grabbing sticks and dry shrubs for the fire. He lays Han down on a bed of soft grass, wrapping his child up in the blanket sling before getting to work on building the fire. Within moments, he had a blazing fire going and it was warming the area around them quickly.

Seung joins them shortly after, dragging a large deer carcass behind him. He had already gutted the deer, so it was easy for San to help him wash and skin it once he sat it down. They ate plentifully, all three bellies were full of meat. Seung felt a sense of pride from feeding his family, even more so after watching San hold their child close and curl up on the grass bed he made with the deer hide.

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