Chapter 1

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Sometimes the story would be in first person. Like this one.


I sat besides my older brother in boredom listening to our mother lecture us. It wasn't the first time she's lectured us. Neither the third. Or the forth. In fact, I've been getting us into so much trouble for the past 16 years I can't keep count of the amount of trouble I put us through.

My mother was a strict woman. She didn't like me fooling around and frantically I couldn't give two fucks. When she was done she expected an apology. As usual. I stood and bowed to her. "I'm sorry kaasan." She sighed and hugged me tightly running a hand through my hair.

"I know you are y/n. I know you don't mean any harm." I meant everything. Mom turned to my older brother who did the same. "I'm very sorry kaasan." She hugged him tightly as well and kissed his forehead. "It's alright dear. It's alright. I know you didn't mean to follow your younger brother."

I felt my cheeks heat a bit. I hated it when she made it so obvious I caused this.

My name is y/n Uchiha. I'm the second oldest amongst my brothers. Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. I'm just a year older than Sasuke, and eight years younger than Itachi.

Many times I wondered why mom never got us a sister, but as I grew and looked at my siblings I thought, thank God we don't have a sister. Because we would have been too rough for her. If she was ever here.

Summer was over and we were all getting transferred to another school because I got us expelled from the last one in Kirigakure. Dad moved us all the way to Konoha where our clan originally began. Moved into the huge mansion.

Got familiar with all the kids our age and older. Itachi got a job as a teacher and he planned on moving out very soon.

The next day was school. I didn't wanna move. "Y/n!!!" I groaned rolling around in bed. "Y/n!!!" My mom yelled for me again. "Shut up." I muttered.

She stomped up the stairs and barged into my room. I swear she has super bionic ears! "Did you just tell me to shut up?" She asked me. I pretended to still be asleep but she did not plan on moving.

"Answer me boy!" I continued laying still. "Alright then!" Mom walked out my room and two pairs of footsteps walked right in. "Y/n." My father's calm cold voice made my hair stand on edge.

I never messed with dad. "Get up right now. Apologize to your mother." I did as told and quickly apologized. "Good. Now get ready for school and get out." I stood and bowed. "Yes sir." When I got to school, all the girls gave me little smirks and battered their eyes.

The advantage of being an Uchiha. I walked up to the door of my very first class and glanced up at the name. It was one of my worst subjects. History! I walked inside the class surprised at all the females.

God this place was loaded! And the girls seemed pretty chill! The girls back in Kiri High were strict and focused on one thing only. Books. I was in hell.

I walked over to one of them shooting a wink. "Hello there." She giggled. Her hair was in two buns. She had nice brown eyes and fair skin to go with it. "Hi!" I sat beside her and talked with her and her friends. At last lunch came, where I met Sasuke and his idiot of a friend Naruto.

I sat with them shaking Sasuke's hair. "Stop." He complained. I smirked taking a bite of my apple. "H-hi Naruto. H-heh Sasuke. Can we sit here?" I looked up at the sound of the soft voice.

Long dark blue hair. Soft gorgeous lavender eyes. A nice figure. Pretty pink lips. This girl....this girl!! She's not exactly my type. She's too shy. "Sure Hinata!" Naruto yelled.

She sat beside me with her other girlfriends. A hot pinkette and an even hotter blonde. I shot them winks. They giggled. "I'm Sakura!" The pink one yelled. The blonde shook my hand making eye contact with me.

My stomach did back flips. "Ino." I shook her hand back smirking. "Y/n." I glanced to my side and caught Hinata staring. Quickly she looked away blushing a bright red. Whatever.

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