Chapter 5

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The afternoon bell rung and I found myself running down the long ass stairs to get to my locker. Neji was beside me, and we weren't talking much. I nearly bump into my locker, if it wasn't for Hinata that grabbed my shirt. "You should be more careful." She told me, before walking off with a blonde. My eyes furrowed as I racked my brain for his name again. Sasuke's friend, Naruto. They were close, and it sort of made me feel..a way.

"Hey." Sasuke's hand slapped against my back making me glare his way. "What dobe?" "Tch, what. Having a bad day or something?" Sasuke leans against his locker staring into my e/c eyes. I glared, walking away from my obnoxious brother who followed me out the school. "I'm not having a bad day. My day is great." Sasuke's face broke into a smirk. Is that shit mocking me?

"Sure about that? You've been looking at Hinata all day y/n." "No I haven't!" Quickly I grab him by his neck and rub my knuckles against his scalp. "Cut it OUT y/n!" "You wanna tease me about no pupils? Huh!" We both froze at Itachi's voice from behind us. "Stop it you two." "Yes, Itachi." I nudge him to the side and wiggle my brows, "how was work?" Itachi only gave me a small smirk as a faint blush came to his cheeks. "You got laid?!" Sasuke yelled in shock.

I slap a hand over his mouth the closer we got to our house. "You keep talking so loud you'll get ALL of us in deep shit!"

Infront of us walked Hinata, Naruto and Lee. I was confused, what was Lee doing there? And now he's on his hands and walking. Doesn't that hurt? Itachi takes a U-turn suddenly, "dammit I forgot I had a meeting!" Then he rushed off. "He sucks." Sasuke muttered, "next he's gonna forget his own wedding!" "You should really stop talking." I warn him, not in the mood for his mouth.

I push the door open and watch him enter, slamming the door behind me when I got in. "Good afternoon my sweet babies!!" Mom yelled to us from the kitchen. "Good afternoon mom!" Sasuke yelled back walking up the stairs. I walk to the kitchen and kiss her cheek gently, helping her make off dinner. "Your dad and I are going out! So while we're gone Itachi is in charge, tell him when he comes home." I roll my eyes, "oh great~" not expecting that one to still be in charge!

Soon, mom left with dad, and Itachi still hasn't returned. I sit with Sasuke at the dinner table eating the crab I helped mom prepare, every once in a while glancing at Sasuke as he typed away on his phone. "Dude, eat!" "Just now." Sasuke grunted. My own phone buzzed and I opened it, shocked to see a group chat I was invited to by Lee. Lee, again?

I open it and scrolled through, not wanting to interact until someone had to start a call. It'd be rude if I didn't participate. Eventually the call was off, and Sakura typed, "oops! My bad! That was an accident!"

Kiba was typing, and a message came through that made me smirk. "I'm having a sleepover at my house Saturday. Everyone here is invited!" I rubbed my chin before texting, "everyone? You mean, including females?" "Hell YEAH y/n! Of course! Why'd we leave out our girls?!" A sleepover with girls and ​​​​​​​boys? Man this is the life. "I'm in." Sasuke looked up and stared at me, "y/n." He called to me. "Huh?" His onyx eyes slanted, "you got that weird perverted look on your face again." My face heats up and I stuff my mouth before getting my s/c ass up the stairs, "you wash the dishes!!" I yell, receiving a, "for fucks sake y/n!!" 

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