Chapter 6

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This chapter will be taken place in Second Person View.

The trip to Kiba's home was silent when Itachi had dropped you and Sasuke off. He didn't even ask when you were to be picked up again, he only said, "behave. Especially you y/n!" You didn't have to be told that twice, judging by the way Itachi was glaring. Approaching the door you hardly knock on it, when it was flung open by Naruto himself. It smelt like cotton candy in there. Naruto wraps his arms around both yourself and Sasuke with a big smile on his face as he drags you both inside, and Shino shuts the door.

"Alright! You guys made it!" Naruto cheered. "We were getting kinda fussy. Why'd the two to you had to be fashionably late?" A playful look came to your face as you shoved Naruto's arm off from around your neck. "What games have you guys played?" "Nothing yet." Ino told you as she passed by with a tray of canned sodas in hand, or maybe even beer. "Be right back-" "oi, don't you go running off! You just made it Y/n-kun." Ten-ten smiled gently as she nudged you. "Aish, I just want a drink." Ino yeets one your way, to which you quickly catch and open. 

"Nice save there y/n-kun!" Kiba groaned on his couch, "you're here, and already these girls are calling your name. You damn Uchiha." Hinata lay on his shoulder with her eyes in a book in hand. Her hair sightly covering her right eye as she flipped the page gracefully. "What're you staring at?" Sasuke released you from the strange  spell. "Nothing ugly." You mutter. Grinning you give to Kiba a thumbs up, "don't be upset! I'll in time teach you the ways of being likeable!" "Don't provoke him." Lee muttered. The bowl cut boy sat on the mat playing a video game with Neji, Shino and Sakura. "ALRIGHT!" Sakura yells. "I WON! AGAIN!" 

"Ugh, I'm not playing this game anymore." Neji grunted out, falling on to the mat with a hand over his eyes. 

"Let's all play a game we all can enjoy!" Naruto gripped Hinata's shoulder before sitting next to Sasuke, who didn't give much of a damn about this whole ordeal. Seeing as everyone was sitting down next to another to form a circle, you approach an empty spot next to Hinata. "Hinata, can I sit next to you?" You ask her. Hinata barely looked up, "sure." So you plop ypurself beside her. Kiba comes walking over with a glass bottle. He placed it in the middle, and everyone waied for someone to say something. 

You were the one to break the tension. "Spin the bottle huh?" "Yeah!" Naruto says, "so who's spinning it?" "This game is unfair." Sakura spat, "there're more boys than girls!" The males count the girls. Hinata, Ino, Ten-ten, Sakura...

She wasn't lying, compared to all the boys there. "Let's see! There's me, Sasuke, Kiba, Shino, Lee, Y/n, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji. YEAH, MORE BOYS THAN GIRLS!" "Then we'll just have to work with that!!" Ino cheered. "Wait Ino no-" but the blonde didn't stop, and she spun the bottle. It stopped, pointing towards Shikamaru and Lee. Ino cackled. "KISS!" "NO!" They both yell. Flustered, both of them got up and left. "That was entertaining." Sasuke held back his laugh. Sakura spun the bottle this time. When it stopped, this time it faced herself and Ino.

"Talk about karma." Shikamaru told her with a smirk. "We aren't kissing Ino pig!!" "Oh suck it up!!" Ino was the one to grab Sakura by her hand and smash her lips against the pinkette. "Damn." You mutter to yourself, staring at the two girls. Naruto flashed a photo, and that's when it ended. Ino glared at him as Sakura screamed, "DELETE IT!" You stand and exit the room heading into the kitchen to get another snack. 

A minute later Ten-Ten enters, wrapping her arms around herself, like she was trying to hug herself? 

"Y/n-kun, what're you doing here alone?" "Getting a snack." You glance out the kitchen to witness Hinata brade Neji's hair, and he looked very annoyed but he didn't say anything. "What's with Hinata? You've known her since young, right? So, what's her story?" Ten-ten smirked leaning over the counter. "Hinata? Oh, why're you so interested in her? I thought you said she wasn't your type." 

Smacking behind her head lightly, "just answer the question." 

"Hinata is Lord Hiashi's successor, since she's his first born and part of the main branch of the Hyuga clan. When he dies, or gets too old, she'll be the one taking control. She's like, a little princess." You raise an eyebrow. "So, why isn't Neji next in line for the throne?" To this Ten-ten looked away, "Neji's part of the low branch. He's just to protect her. If his father was born first, perhaps he'd be the next ruler. But, this is the reality." 

Hinata walks in, and Ten-ten dips. "Talk later!" Leaving you alone with Hinata. 

Hinata reached into the fridge pulling out a can of beer, opening it and chugging. You tried to not look at her much, feeling like you'd embarass yourself. "Y/n." You face her, "me?" "There's no one else." Leaning back you watched Hinata walk up to you with light pink cheeks. Was she already drunk? Hinata clung to your shirt pulling you in close. Your eyes widen as a warning symbol went off in your head, but you didn't do anything. "I need your help..with Naruto-kun." 

You stare at her with worry, "what's that supposed to mean?" "I really like him, okay!" Hinata began to sob, "I want to tell him how I feel, but I don't even know if Naruto-kun likes me the same way!" Well, there goes that kiss you were hoping to get. "What the hell do you want me to do?!" "I want you to help me, be the ideal girl Naruto likes! Does he ever talk about me?" You shake your head. "Hinata, just be yourself-" "but!" Her cheeks become cherry red, "that's so boring! I want to change, for Naruto-kun to notice me!" 

You sigh. "Okay." "Really?!" "Yes." Hinata bowed and stood back straight. She clasped her hands and gave you a friendly smile. "So, what exactly do you want help with?" Hinata rubbed behind her head. "It might be weird of me, but once I overheard Naruto-kun telling Sasuke that he liked short skirts on girls. Maybe he likes thighs !" You stare at Hinata, imagining her in a skirt. But you threw that out the window. "What's wrong with your clothes?" "It's not. S-sexy enough."

Smiling, you place your hand on Hinata's shoulder. She looked up, blushing at how close you were. "Alright. We'll meet up at Noha Mall. Sound good?" "Yes! Y/n, you're the best!!" She hugged you tightly. At first you thought to not hug back, but her warmth was comforting. Hugging Hinata back you tried to ignore the pain in your chest. Guess you had to help her get a date with Naruto.

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