Chapter 2

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For the past week at lunch I always sat with my brother's group of lame friends because I felt bad for him. Today though, I sat with three of the kids from my class. Ten-ten, Rock Lee, and Neji Hyūga.

"Hey y/n!" Ten-ten squealed seeing me approach them with a tray. I sat besides her forcing a smile. "Hi." Ten-ten and Lee were annoying, but Neji was an acceptable. I didn't mind his presence at all.

"Hello y/n!" Lee yelled. I stared at him forcing a smile. "Hi." Neji and I nodded our heads at each other. A man code.

[At this moment Idefk what the fuck is your man codes. I ain't a dude.]

"Are you trying out for football?" Ten-ten asked me. A bright smile on those pretty soft lips I've kissed. "Actually I already did. I made the team." Ten-ten squealed hugging me tightly. "Oh my God y/n that's so great!"

I patted her on the back. "Yeah I know." "To keep in the team I think you and I both know. You have to keep your grades up!" Lee yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Don't you go around telling y/n-kun what to do Lee!" Ten-ten scolded.

"Like I care." Lee muttered. I looked up from eating a dumpling and caught myself staring into those eyes again. Those angelic eyes that has been on my God damn mind for a long time. To the point I dream of those eyes.

Sadly I don't have any feelings for the owner of them.

She looked away first and I kept eating, not really caring. At last P.E came. My favourite subject. We had to run tracks and I was up against Sasuke, Lee and Naruto. Lee was no doubt one of the fastest boys in Senju High.

I didn't think I could beat him. We got on our knees reading for the coach to shoot his gun. The moment that shot went off we all went sprinting for the finish line. Lee was so fast all I saw was a green blur when he passed me.

I sucked in a breath speeding up, passing Lee! Behind Lee, Sasuke came running full speed ahead. Naruto right behind Sasuke. The red line was in our view, and we all sped up. Nobody stopped.

"GO Y/N-KUN!!!" I passed the line first! I turned around panting heavy. "Thank you ladies!" Lee came in second and Sasuke and Naruto tied for third.

I shook Lee's hand as good sportsmanship and did the rest to the boys. The girls were up next. I clapped for Ino. Eh, but I didn't really care.

Ino, Sakura, Ten-ten and Hinata lined up. I was surprised. Hinata had her hair pulled back in a messy bun. Her beauty stands out the most amount the girls.

I don't know how long I was staring, but the race was over and Sakura had won.

She passed by me, not sparing a glance. Some how I craved that attention. I wanted her to look at me! Our very last subject was English.

We were in mixed grades. I sat beside Hinata. She didn't look at me. "Listen up kids." Our teacher told us. He gave us a big smile. "We're doing a group project!!"

I groaned aloud along with some other teens. This is like some cliche romance movie. I bet I'm getting piared with Hinata. "You are to create a story together, and it must have about 3000 words! Stick your hand in this bag and whoever you got sit next to them."

I stuck my hand in the bag and pulled out a piece of pink paper. My heart was beating hard in my chest. This cannot be happening! Slowly I looked up making eye contact with those beautiful lavender eyes. It had to be her.

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