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Usually Yoongi always had that indifferent air to him, as if nothing really impressed him, nothing moved him, but today he seemed different. He seemed relaxed and more inclined to give me some tender smiles that made me flustered for some reason.

I decided to talk to him about my favorite book, so I "brought" Dante Alighieri to our table through his most famous masterpiece and started telling Yoongi it. I wasn't sure he ever read it, I mean, I don't think they put so much accent on Italian writers in Korea, but it wasn't too late to learn.

- Can you answer a question? - he asked me seriously.

- Sure!-

- You are beautiful, intelligent and very nice and funny, for the life of me I can't understand why don't you have a boyfriend? -

My eyes widened and a laugh climbed up my throat just to then come out noisily from my mouth.

- Hahaha, well Yoongi, it's not exactly a priority for me to have a boyfriend. I didn't find the right one, that's all. But the same thing also applies to you, so what's your excuse? - I asked him, resting my elbows on the table.

His eyes were hidden for a few seconds by his water-green fringe and then he looked back at me intently.

I felt how his gaze was lost in mine and I took a moment to analyze him.

Wow, seen this way, in the soft light of the room, in such an intimate environment, it made my heart beat faster for some reason.

The structure of his face was hard, his jaw ended in an almost cylindrical chin and his lips... wow, so full.

- I think I have the same "excuse"; I didn't find a girl who is... what is the word... -

- Compatible? - I tried to help him with a question more than anything.

- Compatible! Exactly. -

- But what kind of girl would you like then? - this question was perhaps a bit too personal, but he had started it anyways.

- If I tell you then you empty the bag too but,- he replied with a playful smile. Ok Y/N, don't go crazy, stay focused.

- Cross my heart! - I said as I raised my palm to the level of my heart and draw a quick X over it.

- Okay... so, the ideal girl... well she should be intelligent, attractive and faithful. -

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

- Well, it doesn't seem hard to find such a girl, hahaha. -

- This is where you're mistaken, unfortunately I've never found anyone that I could be myself with. Usually the girls I meet already know who I am. And trust me, being famous is not always a blessing... this obviously also applies to the other members, but I would like someone in my life to make me feel at home wherever I am. –

I was almost moved by hearing the last sentence.

- Aawww, Yoongi, how sweet of you to say that! I never thought you were so tender, you always look pissed, hahaha. -

For the first time I heard a loud laugh coming from him. I almost fell from the chair because of the surprise.

- You know... you're funny. Do you always say what you think? -

- Mmmm... not always, it would be tragic if I would always say exactly everything I think, but most of the time yes, I have no fear of saying my opinion, if that's what you mean.- I lowered my gaze to look at my cup of chocolate and I drank a sip. Aaaah... so good!

Her || Jungkook X Reader (translated from italian)Where stories live. Discover now