The New World (Part 3 - Revelations in Valak Mountain)

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Rex Narrating

I woke up. My body was very weak. I tried to move, but it hurt a lot.

"I can't heal you if you move so much!" Nia's voice said, complaining.

"Nia? What happened?" I asked.

The last thing I could remember was being hit by some kind of ether in the head. That light came from Shulk's attack. Did I lose the fight?

"Argh, both you and Shulk lost consciousness. Sharla is healing him and I am healing you." Nia explained to me.

"Sharla?" I didn't know who that was.
"So... it's a tie?" I asked.

"I guess so. But sheesh, this was a practice battle, no? You really beat the crap out of each other." Nia commented.

"Wait... What are you doing here?" I asked.

I didn't say anything to Nia or Tora about the battle. If I lost, I didn't want them to come with me. I just wished for a normal life for everyone.

"Well. I noticed you were missing, so me, Dromarch, Tora and Poppi went looking for you." Nia explained. "Why didn't you tell us that you were going to go on a quest to save the world?" Nia asked.

"I didn't want to bother you. I just want a normal life for you. For all of you." I responded.

Nia smiled.

"You don't have to worry about us so much. We are the same as you. If you are going to go in a journey, then I'll go too. All of us will go." Nia assured.


Her words made me realize that I could count on them forever. But I knew that since long, long ago.

"Fine then, you and the rest of the gang are coming too. But I don't think Mòrag and Zeke will have time for that." I mentioned.

"Tell them that yourself" She said to me, smiling.

Mórag, Brighid, Dromarch, Pandoria, Zeke, Tora, Poppi, Pyra and Mythra came to where I was.

"You look stronger than before, Rex." Brighid said to me.

"Indeed. It's great to have the opportunity to travel alongside you once more." Mòrag said with a calm but happy voice.

"I see you haven't lost your touch, chum!" Zeke exclaimed with a big and awkward smile.

"But let's not lose our heads though, you still have much to learn from the Zekenator!" Pandoria commented.

"Tora and Poppi are happy to travel with Rex-Rex again!" Both of them said, excited.

"Me and my lady will serve you well" Dromarch assured with his natural chivalry.

I couldn't believe it. They were all there, saying they wanted to go with me!


"Don't you see? Mòrag and Zeke made time in their schedules and came all the way here to help you! How will they protect Mor Ardain and Tantal if there is no place to protect?" Pyra pointed out.

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