The New World (FINALE - My Name Was... )

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Shulk Narrating

(To The Last Battle starts playing)

We went with the Emperor to Torna. Finally, it was the time for our last battle against the Knight. Everything would be decided there. We fought many times with him, and we didn't manage to stop him. However, now, we had the power of the Conduit on our side. If we didn't defeat him now, then we would never do it.

"Guys." I said, looking at the group. "What will happen next will determine the fate of the world. We can't afford to lose."

"We have come through a lot of obstacles lately." Rex mentioned. "But this is it. If we put all our strength into the battle, we WILL win."

"So, I believe I already know the answer but... can we count with all of you?" I asked.

"Do you think we would back down now?" Nia said, smiling.

"My lady is right. We will heal your wounds." Dromarch assured.

"It doesn't matter if we don't have the Conduit's power and that stuff." Reyn commented. "We can fight just as well as you."

"Let's finally end this nightmare!" Pyra exclaimed.

"Violet and Tora will show their value!" They assured.

"To protect my empire and my world." Mòrag said, confident.

"We will do our best" Brighid said as well.

"You don't have to worry about me, Shulk. I have proven to be pretty strong, haven't I?" Fiora pointed out. "At the start of this journey you didn't want me to go with you. Well, now I'll prove it was worth it bringing me here!"

"I am still a hero, Am I not?" Dunban commented, smiling. "I won't let my sister surpass me."

"As one of the Aegises, I swear on my blade that we will stop the Knight today!" Mythra exclaimed. "I'll be there to support you, Shulk. Or, maybe you'll be there to support *me*" She giggled.

"We have become much stronger. These powers will be enough to defeat him. I don't have proof to back my statement up, but I think that for once in my life I can assure something just out of my gut feeling." Alvis assured as he smiled, a surprising sight.

"The Knight has done horrible things. But it's our duty as the heroes of this world to stop him, not with our blades, but with our words." Sharla said, confident.

"As the official leader of the team I, Zeke von Genbu, Chaotic Bringer of Chaos and Hero of Tantal, often adressed as Zeke, and mostly known as The ZEKENATOR... will stop that Knight for good!" Zeke exclaimed, with a goofy smile on his last remark.

"Still an idiot, I see." Pandoria commented as she adjusted her glasses. "Don't worry guys, I'll keep an eye on him. I owe him a lot, after all."

"The heropon has familiy to protect! You can count on him for anything!" Riki assured.

"After so long, I'm really close to finally be in peace. I'll stop the Knight for all the people that are counting on me, and for myself as well!" Melia exclaimed.

"Then, let's do it!" Rex said. "This will be the decisive battle! I'll give everything I've got!"

"Concentrate, Rex." Mythra said sarcastically.

"I will prove to the world that I... No, that *we* took the right decision. You have been supporting me in my ups and downs, and I'm truly grateful for it." I assured. "With friends like you by my side, I won't lose, not in a million years."

"The Knight is in the area of the Core Crystal, absorbing its energy." Niall explained. "All the Guldos are in the surroundings, probably to avoid that you come directly to face the Knight. We can't attack from above, as the Guldos and the Knight can launch attacks that would destroy even our best ships. We will have to fight on land."

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