The New World (Part 9 - The Ether's Properties)

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Tora Narrating

Tora fixed Poppi. Realizing he couldn't fix her on his own, he called his daddypon. With his help, they managed to repair her. Slowly, she opened her eyes.

"Masterpon? What happened? How long Poppi was asleep?" She asked.

"Poppi is ok! Phew! Tora was worried that Poppi wouldn't wake up again. Tora explains to Poppi what happened." Tora said. "Five days have passed since Poppi was destroyed. Two days ago, group went to Colony 6, because Knight attacked it. Tora stayed here, in Colony 9, fixing Poppi." He explained.

"Are friends ok? They beat Knight?"

"Not exactly. But he hasn't attacked again since Rex-Rex defeated him in Colony 6. He sent letter to Tora, saying everything was fine." Tora explained.

Daddypon came close to Poppi to check her functions.

"Poppi? Can you transform back to your Alpha form? I've to check everything is working properly."

"Sure, professor Tatazo." Poppi said as she changed to her first form.

"Ok, it works. Now that Poppi is fine, Tora and Poppi should reunite with friends in Colony 6." Daddypon commented.

"Let's go!" Poppi exclaimed.


Once Tora landed on Colony 6 in one of Colony 9's ships he reunited with friends. All of them were surprised and happy to see Tora and Poppi.

"Tora! You fixed Poppi!" Rex-Rex exclaimed.

"Affirmative." Poppi commented. "Poppi is 100% functional."

"What happened here?" Tora asked. He was very shocked because of all the destruction in Colony 6.

"The destruction here was bigger than in Colony 9" Sharla assured. "So repairing it will be more difficult. There were people hurt as well. And... victims. We'll help until the Knight attacks again."

Tora observed the group. Somehow, the most affected one was Shulk.

"Is Shulk ok? He looks very sad about something." Poppi observed. It seems she notice too.

"You are... very sensitive, Poppi. It's just... This time more people was killed. I'm not sure if what we are doing is right." Shulk commented.

"Knight almost destroyed Poppi too. But Tora thinks your decision is very noble, Shulk. Friends have to try until they convince Knight." Tora assured.

"Actually, I found out something." Rex-Rex commented. "I think I've got a really good idea of the Knight's intentions."

"Would you care to elaborate?" Melia asked.

"Well, we all know he wants power. In this case, mine's and Shulk's. With it, he wants to bring his old world back. I think this world was the same Klaus came from. Because we are from this 'new world' he think of us as creations. We were created, yes. But he doesn't think we are as human as he or his loved ones. He thought his old world was going in a dark path, but what happened wasn't cool for him. He wanted a change, not a complete destruction. Klaus caused that, so he wants to repair it. What we have to do is show him the beauty of this world. That's the only way we will change his mind." Rex-Rex explained.

"Wow, that was precise." Reyn commented. "But I bet he won't listen until we defeat him."

"All of this is new for him. I don't know too much about Klaus' world, but I think they were pretty focused on technology, from what I could tell. This might seem like magic to him." Shulk pointed out. "I just hope we can convince him soon. I don't want more deaths."

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