The New World (Part 6 - The Heroes of Tantal)

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Rex Narrating

Hoo boy. After all that happened, I had a lot to process. But I needed to focus on the knight. Was everyone okay? My doubts were clear as soon as I saw the group when we got out of the hole. All of them were smiling, happy that we were okay.

"You had us worried, Rex!" Mythra said, relieved.

"I'm happy you came back." Pyra said, relieved as well.

"Are you okay?" Mòrag asked to me.

Her expression showed concern. She blamed herself for what happened.

"We are fine Mòrag, don't worry." I reassured her.

Mòrag hugged me and Nia. "I'm glad you are alive" She said with obvious relief in her voice.

That was awkward. But I liked it.

"What's that crystal Poppi brought with her?" Tora asked to his robotic friend.

"Poppi found a cool crystal on cave under Alba Cavanich!" Poppi explained. "It's very shiny!"

"Can I see it, Poppi?" Sharla asked.

"Sure. But remember that is property of Poppi." Poppi pointed out.

"This crystal..." Sharla observed. "It's an Ether Crystal! I didn't know you had these on Alrest!" Sharla said, surprised.

"Neither did we..." Brighid said, also surprised. "We have gone through Mor Ardain's underground multiple times in the past but we never saw any of those crystals."

Emperor Niall, came in our direction.

"Are all of you okay?" He asked.

"There was a problem before, but now it's solved. I hope you can repair this plaza, Your Majesty." Mòrag said, embarrased of the outcome of the battle. "It looks like the White Knight managed to escape." She pointed out.

"I see. That will be very difficult... Now that the Empire's economy has some problems, I'm afraid we won't be able to repair it as fast as I'd like to." The emperor commented.

I had an idea. What can I say, I'm very good with business.

"Niall- I mean Emperor! I would like to share my thoughts on something."

"What is it, Rex?" He asked.

"Well, we just found out that there is a big mass of Ether Crystals down there in the hole, just under this city."

Sharla understood what I was trying to say.

"I see... the Ether Crystals have a lot of interesting properties, like boost your strenght or your health... if you used them, your economical problems..."

"Are you suggesting that I should try to use these crystals and make them an economical resource for Mor Ardain?" The Emperor asked.

"I didn't want to offend you, Your Majesty" Sharla said embarrased. "These crystals have a big impact in our lands. I thought, that because you are from a different 'world', this could be very... profitable." Sharla explained.

"What!? I'm not offended!" Niall smiled. "It sounds like a great idea! I will make it one of Mor Ardain's biggest economical resources and it will help us to recover from the lost of the Cloud Sea. Thanks, young lady." Niall said, very excited.

"W-wow. T-thanks, Your Majesty" Sharla said, honored.

Yeah... I came with the idea but... Hmph, I guess that will be for another time. There were more important things to discuss.

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