A Fraction of the Truth

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Fifteen-minute read

"Truth is the property of no individual but the treasure of all men"

Sam's POV
A blond haired boy with blue eyes was ushered into their cell. There was visibly no space in their cell.

"Isn't this cell for four?", He asked the guard who was pointing his gun at the boy.

"No space.", Answered the guard curtly.

Sam roved his eyes down the corridor. Empty cells. Suspicious.

The boy was handcuffed, unlike the rest of them. And seemed to be avoiding Allison's fiery stare as she stood up.

The guard locked the door behind him and left for the guards' station to the right of the corridor.

The tension inside the cell seemed to grow as the boy held Allison's gaze almost guiltily, it was increased by the awkwardness of having no place to seat him.

The boy sat with his back to the cell bars, opposite to Duha who'd awoken with bar imprints to her face.

"I'm sorry, Allison... I... I didn't mean to hurt you or... Or anything", he paused with each word, as if thinking it through. Sam frowned, he was hiding things. His words made no sense.

"Sorry doesn't fix things, does it? It can't fix the bump on my head, my completely broken trust and it most certainly can't help me escape this... Hellhole." Allison almost shouted.

Sam straightened his back, careful not to disturb the still sleeping Annie. No doubt tired after three beauty appointments and Tule excitement... She was a heavy sleeper.

Months at this place had certainly ruined Allison's language.

"Look, Allison, I can't explain what I did. But it was for the best. It just... Made sense...", The boy looked up at her, his voice getting smaller at the look in Allison's eyes.

"Why would you do that, Mike? Why? Like... It didn't even concern you!", Asked Allison, exasperated.

"It did concern me, Allison. I was... Told to befriend you and gain your trust so I could hand you over to Hubbard"


"Niklas Hubbard, he... He had ties to the men on my father's ship. He threatened to kill my father! I couldn't... Couldn't let him", Mike scrunched his eyes.

Allison was silent as Mike's words sent waves through the cell. Something too serious to ignore was happening here.

"What did he do, Allison?", Asked Sam, feeling confused through and through.

"Before I could run from here, he took me to meet an 'army official' he called Niklas Hubbard. Same man who interviewed me. I sensed something off and disarmed Hubbard. Mike disarmed me.", Explained Allison.

"I'm sorry",breathed Mike.

"Your sorry isn't worth sh-"

"Language, Allison", cut in Sam.

She pursed her lips, and rolled her eyes.

"So you didn't make it out?", Inquired Sam.

"I did make it out, quite far infact. Till I realized the car was on the other side of the facility"

Sam frowned again. The lines would be etched on his face after tonight.

"How did you know the car was that far?"

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